
在NDTV的Vishnu Som的最新消息中,伊朗革命衛隊司令Qassem Soleimani在周五的美國罷工中喪生。索萊馬尼(Soleimani)是伊朗最受歡迎的人物之一,被美國及其盟國視為致命敵人。五角大樓說,美國總統唐納德·特朗普已下令殺死在巴格達去世的卡瑟姆·索里馬尼,這是「採取決定性的防禦行動,以保護美國在國外的人員。」

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  1. The general killed 600 American men & was plotting to do more of the same. He was friends with Barack Hussein Obama. Another muslim destroying America. This channel is another ANTI-AMERICAN. Why are you all here, if you want to destroy our country? STAY..where you came from! You all are LEFTISTS with a mental disorder.

  2. How do they want to attack USA …Amerika is top 3 when it comes to war … they will drop a few bombs and its over …

  3. Against war, but if that was my family member who was killed (u.s contractor) I would want something done as well. I'm proud that Trump stood for his people. Now! If there's something corrupt behind Trump's attack then God help us.
    "Politics as Usual"

  4. चाकू, छुरा, तलवार, धनुष, तीर, भाला, पिस्टल, शॉटगन, रायफल, मशीन गन, आर्टिलरी, टैंक, रॉकेट, मिसाइल, बॉम्ब, एटम बॉम्ब,
    इनमेसे हम किसीसे नही डरते, चाहे WW3 क्यों न हो ।

    मुश्किल वक़्त कमांडो सख़्त ✊✊✊✊???????

  5. End phase of the petrol dollars. US inc CEO and shareholders of the donkey and elephant party are fox and wolves. The Federal reserve taxation and usury is behind this Hollywood thriller actors

  6. So now muslims, see america have done this?
    Yet you cant speak against America. Cause its so powerful country!
    So you target India.

  7. "Trump tweets US flag after killing of Iranian general" Translation: Rally round the flag, forget my impeachment, forget my shortcomings. This oughta work, in times of national emergency Americans usually reelect their president.

  8. What Iran can do now is provide crude oil for lesser price than its rivals . They can supply to all countries who are willing to fight against the us-arab pertro dollar scam such as russia china japan nk syria . This will reduce the economic power of US. Play smart Iran . Who wouldnt want crude oil in reduced price.

  9. It was Iran that escalated the situation with USA by attacking the Consulate, now if they retaliate out of proportion Iran will be on the loosing end since they have to deal with Trump not Obama

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