
Cebile Capital的執行合伙人Sunaina Sinha Haldea討論了中美貿易戰。 。

  1. Just go to china and see it with your own eyes…. China is fine… I think china won the trade war… We can see trump always barking but Xi jinping just calm and take it easy…

  2. Trump cares about his re-election than winning this war so he conceded after bragging for 3 years and has now giving up . His trade reps say they have no date to pressure China about their state subsidies and it teft whatever. Trump don't want to lose the farmers vote so asks China to buy farm goods and has given up on reason he went for this war in the first place. Disgrace

  3. You have it backwards.. The United States needs the deal not China.. China is happy to humiliate Trump and they are doing a good job of it.. they now laugh at your pathetic country

  4. China don't feel that much affect on tariff, because it's not that easy for usa to look for other suppliers that can produce high quality product w/ such a low price. Even with tariffs imposed, china product still superior. The only loosers here is american people who have to pay more. Tks to donald duck..?

  5. So the guy that has no election to face and who is implementing plans based on decades and not weeks and months like the US needs the deal more than Trump? Makes sense ?

  6. LOL this chick doesn't know anything. She thinks China is a democracy, Xi is president for life. She thinks Chinese citizens care about perception of our leader?
    Xi is not gonna get voted out if he loses the trade war.

  7. 9B usd minus in china reserve will double or triple if chuna cannot adapt a constructive policy in trade.if this gets to long china exonomy will go spiral.

  8. Everyone is being fooled. Both countries are prepared for decoupling. The CCP prepares long term, they are able to absorb anything the US throws at them.

  9. China is complex, hard to read and strategically well-advised. She has no idea. Trump will get in a mess and cave in. China can simply wait him out. Meanwhile, China is busy with other matters to its benefit.

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