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#BretMaverick #Hong Kong。

  1. If you know anything about HK is that white people will be safe from rioters and police. Tear gas and pepper spray are ineffective for people who eat a lot of spice. Indian protesters walk right through it without protection and don't even flinch

  2. You may need to further edit your video. Saying that the China army or SWAT is on the streets of HK while I only see HK police is MISLEADING. They are responding to RIOTERS not protesters. If this wonton destruction of public utilities is happening in your own city what would you narrative be?

  3. Hong Kong Democracy Protestors 5 Demands:
    1. Fully withdraw the extradition bill
    2. Set up an independent inquiry to probe police brutality
    3. Withdraw the characterization of the peaceful June 2019 protests as "riots"
    4. Release those arrested and in the peaceful June 2019 protests and drop their charges
    5. Implement universal suffrage in Hong Kong


  4. If those are Chinese army do you think the riots could have lasted for half year and still going on? They are HK police fighting alone with the lawless gangs.

  5. Bret is so quiet…
    No vlogging?
    What are you doing in Canada..why are you not vlogging your vac ?
    I hope he's not thinking of staying there and not returning in Pinas… ????

  6. OMG!! Reading some of these comments I can see how Trump won the US Presidency. Some American citizens can live there whole life and not know WTF is going around the world and believe 100% in what their Government are telling them to believe in. ??

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