美國在巴格達機場殺害伊朗將軍Qassem Soleimani DW新聞

伊朗最高領導人阿亞圖拉·阿里·哈梅內伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)警告說,在對伊拉克巴格達機場進行的空襲中,伊朗革命衛隊精銳古德部隊負責人卡西姆·索萊伊馬尼將軍喪生後,美國正在「嚴加報復」。他被認為是德黑蘭在中東軍事行動的設計師,美國國會民主黨議員指責唐納德·特朗普繞過國會下令發動襲擊。

#Soleimani #DonaldTrump#伊朗

  1. Thank you god you had given president Donald Trump excellent wisdom and the best commander you are us command in chief you had ordered to us army killed Iranians general qassen soleimani at Baghdad airport in Jan 03 2020

  2. الطائرات التى قامت بقتل سليمانى تحركت من الامارات والسعوديه لابد لايران ان تقصف القواعد الامريكيه بهذه البلدان اولا لرد الصفعه لامريكا — لابد من رد فعل سريع

  3. Your president thrump will only sit on his table having had with his capuccino. While sending you to war kill eacj other us troops and supporters of the late general

  4. funny to see how some people think those 2 men were heroes and other think they were terrorists. i think they were both. they were terrorists fighting other terrorists.

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