






  1. Hong Kong is a highly autonomous city with one country, two systems. These police officers are Hong Kong's own police officers, not mainland public security officers. These thugs not only fight with the police, they even threaten their families!

  2. If you really care about Hong Kong, come to Hong Kong and see what the thugs with black masks do! I believe the police in any country are not allowed to do this! You dare to discredit China

  3. Many foreign journalists translate fake. They know that foreign audiences don't understand Chinese, so they deliberately make mistakes and slander China into hell! Shoot the police everywhere and say that this is all China! Shoot the monitor everywhere, and then say we are under high pressure!

  4. Hong Kong protesters, fighting for western degeneracy, foreign interests and Zionist control which they call "freedom"..
    Marxist westren styled universities have served them well…..

  5. Hong Kong people support Hong Kong government and Hong Kong Police Force ?????? Thanks so much. We love Hong Kong and We love China ❤️

  6. Who is building an extreme dictatorship in Hong Kong? Answer is not our chief Madam Carrie Lam and not the Hong Kong Police Force and of cause not the central government. Then Who?
    I am a Hongkonger, and my whole family live in Hong Kong for more than 100 years. Listen, I urge people around the world stop calling those rioters or mobs to be protesters, they are not protesters. In fact, they are mobs or rioters, majority of protesters were paid to protest, and some of them are being brainwashed, the foreign force uses cult』s steps and drugs to brainwash them. They were committing a lot of crimes in Hong Kong on daily basis. Plenty of evidences shown the foreign force supports those rioters to commit crimes in HK every day. Those so called protesters burned a man alive, killed a 70 yrs old man who was cleaning the mess of the blocked road those so called protesters made, beat up a pregnant woman, pull a taxi driver out from his taxi, stole the taxi driver』 money and stole his high end watch, beat up the taxi driver until he lost conscious and beat up a lot of ordinary Hong Kong people until they lost their conscious just because they had different political views from them, beat up a banker just because he said 「We are all Chinese people」. Those so called protesters beat up an actress. Those so called protesters attacked police officers with iron bar, hammers, arrows and more than fifty thousand petrol bombs. Those so called protesters used chemicals weapons. Those so called protesters destroyed public facilities, subway/underground/MTR, banks, shops, cars, restaurants almost every single day. Those so called protesters blocked our airport and harassed tourists. Those so called protesters blocked roads every single day. Those so called protesters beat up university』s students and genuine reporters. Those so called protesters occupied two universities. Those so called protesters stole the SD cards from the genuine reporters. Those so called protesters bullied youths and children at school every single day. Those so called protesters raped youths. Those so called protesters are doxxing Hong Kong ordinary people』s privacy. Those so called protesters hacked bank. Those so called protesters harassed more than seven millions Hong Kong people every single day. Those so called protesters spread misinformation and misleading news every day. Those so called protesters disguised reporters and to be the barrier stood between those so called protesters and police officers during protest. Those so called protesters harassed and beat up Hong Kong aboriginals, women and elderly. Those so called protesters tried to poison the resevoir. I can』t reiterate enough how horrible those so called protesters actually did. People should stop calling them protesters. They were not fighting for freedom or democracy. In fact that majority of them were paid to protest and held foreign flags and they use cult』s steps and drugs to instigate the youths and children to go protest without their parents』 consent. Majority of medias keep silent and offer their dirty helping hands to spread misleading news. Tell the truth! 群魔亂舞、妖氣衝天、人神共憤!!!
    Hong Kong has freedom, and democracy. And before the unrest, Hong Kong was a peaceful place. Before the unrest of Hong Kong, our unemployment rate was 2.8%, according to the enconomics, 2.8% is a friction rate, it mean fully employment. And the rating of S&P was AA+. However, those so called protesters and their spirit leaders, the foreign force are currently depriving more than seven millions Hong Kong ordinary people』s freedom, joy and democracy every single day. And those so called protesters are promoting dictatorship in Hong Kong. In some extents, Those so called protesters and the foreign force are building up an extreme dictatorship in Hong Kong.
    I wonder is there an organization called Human Right in the world? If yes, what are they doing? And are we living in 21st century?!
    If you think you are not bothered as this unrest is far away from you. I can sure to tell you that these separatists/rioters are all around the world and they are betraying all the people in this planet. It is true and it is sad.

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