
福克斯新聞社(Fox News)戰略分析師傑克·基恩(Jack Keane)(退)討論了特朗普總統殺害卡西姆·索萊馬尼(Qassem Soleimani)的決定以及該地區發生戰爭的可能性。 #FoxBusiness
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  1. When Iraq people attacked us for years and we do something about it and we didn't get mad but when we attacked them they are taking it all personal even though they been killing us for years

  2. Man shut up with " Man I don't want to die or have a war " like fr shut yo soft a55 up and if America starts drafting and they draft u , u best believe you putting that shi on , btw I have enlisted in the army !!

  3. This is Persian and we fuke u and Ur Trump to rest of his life hove to see his back time to kik ur eanky out of all Persion

  4. I tell you, this has been the principle of America from the beginning when America fulfilled its purpose and it killed the servant in some way.

  5. Remember when trump pull all the troops out of Iraq. Everyone loves him for that and now he starting a war in Iran? What』s the point.! He did a 360. He must wanna leave office with creating as much problems as he can for the next president and for all American troop. Why say u don』t want a war but then make a act of war in Iran? Smh

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