警察和抗議者在香港的購物中心發生衝突| NBC新聞



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警察和抗議者在香港的購物中心發生衝突| NBC新聞。

  1. Ok, here is some more logic again:

    – HK ranked 3rd in "The Human Freedom Index 2019" by Fraser Institute based in Canada.

    – Rioters believe there is no freedom in HK, so how is it possible for HK to be in the 3rd rank worldwide?

    – Rank 3rd obviously means lots of freedom, even way above Singapore (rank 30) or Malaysia (rank 106).

    – Rioters see China as evil, then why China even lets HK's freedom rise to the top? Doesn't make sense, right?

    – So when these rioters declare they're fighting for freedom, it's actually a total insult for people in many other countries which are truly fighting for freedom.

    – If these dumb rioters have ever visited other countries, they may realize how lucky to be hongkongers, and start appreciating the freedom they have been taken for granted all this long.

  2. Let's get some logic here:

    – First, who is the subject of punishment by the US Bill? If the rioters can read the US Bill (hopefully they can read english) they should know it's HK and its economy.

    – Second, when rioters vandalizing and destroying public facilities and transportation, whose economy are they destroying? It's HK's economy.

    – Then, when HK's business and economy collapse, will China give in and grant independence to HK? Absolutely not. HK is just a region, a troubled region. Is there any compelling reason to give independence? None.

    – Only real idiots believe HK's collapsing economy can be used as a bargaining chip for independence.

    – When economy falls and HK becomes a slum region, China can easily make Macao the new financial hub to replace HK. And China is clearly pushing it that way now.

    – So who are the real losers here? Pretty obvious, right?

    – Hopefully those dumb rioters can wake up before too late.

  3. The only LOSERS are HK PPL! we rest of the world would JUST WATCH the CIA and British Mi6 sponsered HOLLYWOOD film by just seat back and laughs at you guys LOL.

  4. 你們讀什麼書、 多一點看新聞和歷史, 看美國做過什麼東西在這個世界, 歷史殺了多少人類在中東和東南亞, 他們為什麼就是利益、 今天看清清楚楚一些香港人就是無腦

  5. 這就是一些香港人沒有腦袋的, 那麼容易給西方洗腦, 誰關心你們民主不民主,如果美國和英國那麼關心他們為什麼他們不收你們, 你們吃什麼成長生人不生腦

  6. Rioters, who give you the right to break the glass windows and disrupt the mall? It is a public shopping mall. When you break the laws, do not accuse the police of using force to arrest you. You deserve to be arrested and put into jail.

  7. HEY!! Don't let the Commie's Distract you with Christmas while they attack Hong Kong! Make Hong Kong conversation at every Holiday Party and Meal!! Support Hong Kong!!
    Google this!!! " Police freeze HK$70 million raised by Spark Alliance for Hong Kong protesters, with group suspected of using money for personal gain and rewards" -South china morning Post.

  8. Upon close examination of the eyes of the cops, the eyes look like donuts. Glazed and Empty – in the center – meaning devoid of soul.
    Why worry about the threat of AI taking over when human beings turn into robots when they put on a uniform.
    Constructive Criticism: The ONLY solution is to Individuate and find out who you really are, where you are and why you are here.

  9. Hong Kong people support Hong Kong government and Hong Kong Police Force ?????? Thanks so much. We love Hong Kong and We love China ❤️

  10. Starve the Hong Kong renegade young people! Starves them like North Korea does! Should punish those renegade people in stravation! These protestors ruin my Christmas holiday mood! Theu ruin my right to buy luxuries in Christmas time! They ruined my Christmas party! They were poor people,people living in poverty were scramble out to protest the Hong Kong Government and fought with police!      I hate them!

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