Do We REGRET Moving To Taiwan?

Moving abroad is a big decision. I asked some other YouTubers here in Taiwan if they have any regrets about moving here and how they imagine their lives would be like if they stayed home. Check out their channels in the links bellow!


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  1. 基本上早餐店的應該是阿姨
    應該不是嘲笑 希望可以跟那個人說一下不要擔心@@

  2. 很高興台灣有這麼多正能量的外國朋友在台灣當youtuber,

  3. I've been here for 3 years and love it, had I stayed back home I'd have had an 9-5 desk job programming. In Taiwan I'm also programming, but because of the low cost of living I only need to work 1-2 hours a day.

  4. We don』t laugh at people who doesn』t speak Mandarin. It must has been a misunderstanding. I guess they laughed simply because they don』t speak English and didn』t know how to explain.

  5. 台灣人比起其他國家的人,確實有比較多的笑容,但那是友善且無惡意的笑,不是故意嘲笑。但是到國外就要多注意,因為可能表錯情。謝謝博主幫我們澄清。

  6. would be curious what all of your long term goals are career wise? might not be so fun once you are 40-50 years old and still teaching English in cram schools for pretty mediocre pay compared to decent paying jobs in the West…not trying to be insulting.

  7. Those who haven't experienced it wouldn't understand how difficult it is to move to another country! It takes courage to go out of your comfort zones and establish a new life. As you said, I think the westerners in Taiwan are very worldly, free-spirited and open-minded people compared to their peers in the west. You are definitely not losers!

  8. 歡迎阿兜來福爾摩沙加入這個大家庭,這裡住著一大群熱愛自由自在生活,善良的人們,這裡是你們第二故鄉,歡迎歡迎,語言住一年就會通用,沒問題的。

  9. Get into a traffic accident with a local and your opinion might change.
    A careless old lady in a Jaguar ran me off the road and into a parked scooter.
    3 witnesses gave the cop on scene a statement saying the woman didn』t use her turn signal and forced me off the road. CCTV footage showed (following my crash) that her blinker wasn』t on. Yet, despite a mountain of evidence in my favor, the traffic accident investigation committee says I』m responsible for my medical bills (which entailed 4 days in the hospital and a very painful surgery), my repairs, and repairs to the scooter I hit.
    I』ve had (mostly) good experiences in Taiwan, but this whole incident has really soured my opinion. The Taiwanese government wants to lure more white collar foreigners here, but we』re not afforded the same rights and equal treatment that locals receive. At this point I』m really wishing I had chosen Japan…

  10. 在任何國度生活,有好也有不好,離開的衷心祝福得到更好,留下來的我們一起加油,coldplay everyday life。 謝謝你的VLog 感謝

  11. 在台灣生活用機車代步很好.不過.要注意交通安全.台灣的交通安全教育未像一些國家來的安全.騎機車要多注意安全.例~德國.日本……..等!

  12. 外國朋友應該是誤會了,台灣人不會因為妳不會中文而嘲笑!而是表現友善化解尷尬的笑容,我們是熱情好客的,

  13. Life in the home country is all about staying above the water. Half the populace live from paycheck to paycheck. Higher nominal pay does not always translate in to savings. Since you are now in Taiwan, just forget about China. Those chauvinistic Chinese snares have nothing to do with your life or with your environment in Taiwan. Just read the comments and you will believe me.

  14. You're all white males. Do you see women of color getting teaching jobs out there? Black women, specifically.

  15. 外國人用錯語詞很正常呀…學新的語言本來就不容易了!我的感覺 這種情況就像小孩子學說話一樣,不是嘲笑 是覺得可愛

  16. 台灣不是中國,所以不用把台灣說那麼好,台灣人可以接受批評的………。當然你若在中國裡就不能批評中國,有可能被抓去約談….也有可以被關在牢房裡….

  17. It』s okay. I think no one will laughing anybody can』t speak Chinese in Taiwan! I think they were just smiling and happy for foreigners want to come and try our foods. I think they had very appreciated that.
    And if everyone was looking at you I can sure that they just want to make sure are you okay with ordering or something. They were just trying to help you if you were not okay. So don』t worry about that! If anyone has any problem just ask! No one will reject you:)))
    Because I』m a Taiwanese!

  18. 其實不止是阿姨,其實如果生活中能用英語的機會很少,那英文不好其實是很正常的,何況阿姨的年紀應該也不會用翻譯機,更別說英文了;


  19. 要壓制那種情況很簡單,妳只要對他們說你的母語他們就笑不出來了XD( 台灣人笑不是真的取笑妳不會中文 而是覺得妳很可愛 真的!!

  20. 我想台灣人大部分從不會嘲笑外國人,就像我去紐西蘭我英文很破他們也不會嘲笑我,只是有時候因該是你說出來表達的意思是另一種意思,造成聽起來很搞笑,像我英文講出來的意思太搞笑,我覺得因該是誤會了,因為我們知道外國人要學中文本來就很難,因為是另一種語系的語言,加上繁體字比簡體字難,像我以前還小時候聽到我以前女友紐西蘭人講中文,真的覺得很有趣,感覺很可愛,他常說老豬,但我知道他想表示老師,所以聽起來有趣並沒嘲笑意思。

  21. I do think it』s was funny misunderstanding as those breakfast shop ladies usually don』t speak much English…. so they just laughed to make it less awkward, that』s what most Taiwanese people do and please don』t take it too seriously 🙂

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