

無論是報道國外衝突和國內政治分歧,還是報道最新的流行趨勢和科學發展,《紐約時報》的視頻記者都可以提供令人難忘的世界觀。這是所有值得關注的新聞。 。

  1. Sunzi once said,"Know your enemy, know yourself, and you shall not fear a hundred battles." So study well the organisation and the tactics of riot police. Never fight against their strongest point with your weakest point! Be sure to fight against their weakest point with your strongest point. Do it this way, the victory will certainly be yours!

  2. If your intuition is whispering you "Don't go there!", never go there. If your intuition is whispering you "Go this way!", go there. If your intuition is whispering you "Don't do that!", never do that. If your intuition is whispering you "Do it!", be sure to do it.

    Whenever you igore your intuition, you will be in trouble. But if you really listen to your ituition and follow it, you will be amazed what you can do and how well you can do it.

  3. Sheesh!! Hong Kong is the 3rd freest place in the entire world. We are talking about people, for whatever reason (including being brainwashed by the Western press), who hate their own country. They deserve their new pitiful existence!

  4. This is propaganda. The HKers are not in any real danger. 0 casualties in HK by police despite more than 6 months of riots and protests. Otherwise, they wouldn't even upload this.

  5. انا اتكلام فب سلام اتكلام 我說六語聯和國iknowallsixunlanguagesjeparlessixunlanguagesjeparlessixunlanguagesязнаювсешестиязыеоонyosederechoshumanos

  6. They protested, they lost. The Taiwanese fought, they lost. So the Kumingtang fled. Both are criminals. Both will be delivered, punished, humiliated, or exploited, enslaved and treated as coolies in the west.

  7. These morons terrorized and destroyed HK. I am happy they will face justice for their crimes. Do the crime do the time. They wasted their future. They should be thankful that the HK government did not ask the USA police for help otherwise they be in body bags.

  8. This is what it's all about. Bogus agitators hoping to leave Hongkong as asylum seekers.There chances are better if they can get a propagandist TV out let to feature them on their news outlet. What crap, they could have stayed at home and no one would have bothered them. Have you ever come across a police force that has been so tolerant. 34 yellow vest protesters with much less violence have to date been killed. Where have the Hong Kong police acted similarly. Watch RT for unbiased reporting.

  9. Pax vobis,
    This was their plan all along!
    Taiwan has no space for them. And the Chinese want to bid them farewell.
    The US? Australia? Brexit UK? I don't think so. Maybe Canada?
    Meanwhile in Macau under Europea Civil Law, China is giving it enuff land to make it a hub… A Financial hub as well as for Housing.
    Unlike the HKers, the Macanese receive a check monthly from their casinos.
    In China, Portugese is now taught in 33 universities. (20 yrs ago, only in 3)

  10. What happened to "We are willing to die for freedom"? Why are these so called "peaceful protesters" "fleeing" the very Hong Kong they swore to defend to their death? Did someone cut their funding? Are they fugitives or asylum seekers? Taiwan must answer as well.

  11. When you protests, whether who』s right or wrong, you should already be aware of the consequences that may come with, blaming police or other are just stoopid

  12. Who will pay for the damages that these protesters did to the innocent people and public infrastructures that had taken years of hard efforts and valuable resources to build.

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