中美之間不斷升級的貿易戰(w。Mike Green和Marko Papic)

Clocktower Group的合伙人兼首席戰略家Marko Papic與Thiel Macro的Mike Green坐下來討論了中美之間日益加劇的衝突。帕皮克(Papic)著眼於推動領導者行動的內部激勵措施,預計金融動蕩和地緣政治不穩定會加劇。帕皮克(Papic)還談到了在不確定因素中的機會。於2019年8月27日在洛杉磯拍攝。


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中美之間不斷升級的貿易戰(w。Mike Green和Marko Papic)


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  1. Useless.. Two academics analyse Trump's strategy))) They factor in all possible keys except the only relevant – Trump is just a puppet, he has no strategy, he will do as he is told!

  2. @22.50 well how do we define a global super power? is China not already a super power. Obviously has a large economy, growing military, global initiatives and global coordination / diplomacy

  3. The US is fine without China, the best they do is make cheap goods for the US because their people are poor at worst they ruin and stifle US growth and innovation.

  4. 3 wars in Asia which China and USA into the war, one together, we win against Japan, one we opposite in Korea war, en in Vietnam we opposite too, china Don. 't wants war, but we are never scared of war!

  5. I just read all the comments. The hate and violence is atrocious. For a highly intellectually stimulating and rewarding video there are some right drongo's and morons that comment and reply.

  6. Truth always prevails over evil. Communism relies on untruths to sustain its tyranny over its oppressed. Hong Kongers have just shown us that. Communism has never invented anything that benefits mankind. Capitalism has and will always prevail. It is time to unplug Communist China from world banking and commerce. Sleigh the evil dragon.

  7. Machiavelli wasn't wrong you just misunderstand what he means when he refers to Fortune, Fortuna is ephermeral one day on your side the next she deserts you. Your virtue (ability and prudence) is what you have under your control. So to use your language by focusing on the contraints you are using your virtue to maintain Fortuna to your advantage, where as focusing on what is optional which can change is subject to Fortuna.

  8. ? conflict is on the side of the US and Europe who see progress as a war, a threat………….
    China sees progress as service to heaven and communities, as help, as participation………..
    There will be tensions, but not war. Because prophecy has been written 3500 years ago, the formula/prophecy has been tested, and it worked.
    The US will destroy itself, by planting bad seed. The time to RIP will come during this trade war. The US will fall

  9. As long as those a Countries are highly or Nuclear Armed,the US won』t risk their lives,the Americans only bully weak and under Armed Countries.Even Turkey and India don』t takes orders from America,lately Egypt too offended the Americans by buying Russians Arms.

  10. The stock market is still going up and the economy doesn't look like it's going into a recession any time soon. China is most likely going to face 5 more years of this pressure and this is going to have a significant effect on China's future. This is going to put immense pressure on their internal systems as their economic shenanigans start to bite China. I don't think China will give in to the trade demands from the USA in a way that makes them look bad.

  11. China is the only major industry countries who build industry system basically only based on people,s intelligence and hardworking without any colony interest. while all the other developed countries more or less transfer the pain to the colony people a lot of them even been genocide. Then their own human rights based on the sacrifice of the colony land people …. none western countries has moral advantage than china.

  12. The minute he said there was nobody to blame for the predicament we're in and that it's just because empires rise and fall is where I lost respect for his "expertise". Absolutely there are plenty of people to blame, and it's not even conjecture at this point. Maybe youth and wisdom is an oxymoron after all, in which case… this channel is diminishing its reputation by putting someone like this on.

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