


因此,蘭花格蘭尼(Granny Orchid)可以賺取額外的錢來收集回收箱。



  1. If my memory serves me right, I encountered this granny earlier today when my friend and I were giving out food and drinks to the less fortunate. Man, if you could see the stress in her face turned to a very warm smile. ?

  2. Massive respect for the hardworking underclass that hustles day in and out that people don't even notice, just like the 70 year old street cleaner that got stoned to death by a protestor.

  3. This all happened because Mainland china decided to suck money out of Hong Kong for their greedy financial gain ever since 1997. Before then, Hong kong had prosperity for all of their people. This is why the CCP needs to be stopped, they take advantage of everyone else just for their own gain.

  4. I'm Chinese and my grandma is 83 and this reminds me of all the hardships she went through. While the baby boomer generation here in western countries enjoyed much wealth and job opportunities, elsewhere in the world their counterparts never did well and many died due to poverty, food shortage, disease, terrible living conditions in general. All they could hope for is that their children and grandchildren get a good education, a good job and don't starve.

  5. Why are we so surprised. Hong Kong people are most selfish people in Asia. They don't care about their elderly. Their children leave the elders to fend for themselves. Many live in cages and rely on welfare to subsidize their living expenses. Now in 2019, the HK people are rioting, looting, vandalizing, and assaulting people because Chinese from China are accumulating greater wealth than them.

  6. In the neighborhood I used to live, there is a old lady also likes to collect cardboards for money. However, she is not forced or something. Her son is rich and supportive. And he bought a expensive big house just for her to live and store her cardboards.

  7. Although quite sad, this has been around for at least the last 15 years. Interesting for the BBC to do a report on this now. Guess they are in full blown bash HK and China mode.

  8. I have noticed the "destitute Granny/grandad" problem in all east asian nations. That is why they are economically successful – the welfare state does not fund OAPs. If you look at Britain and the west, social care and state pensions take up the largest share of the welfare funding.

  9. She isn't force to collect them, that's just all she's able to do to make money. And her work is good, it shows recycling that has actual value, not the brain-dead forced centrally planned recycling that results in massive bails of collected mess that eventually ends up in landfills, but only after wasting resources and making people think they are doing something good.

  10. Remarkable….here in UK Vicky Pollard characters too busy on social media interaction than getting a job. Benefits Society UK.

  11. She says 「some Asian culture , look after them parents. Actually it』s not any Asian culture, it』s Islam , heaven is underneath mothers foot.

    Lucky are mother who gave birth to Muslim son and daughters indeed.

  12. Several European countries such as Belgium and Switzerland have legalized assisted suicide for the elderly people and terminally ill people.
    So elderly people or terminally ill people who can''t take care of themselves anymore and do not want to spend the rest of their lives rotting away in a assisted care/retirement home have to the option of being euthanized fast and painlessly with the help of doctors.
    Hong Kong should also legalize assisted euthanasia for elderly people and terminally ill. It would also help the poor elderly people who have not saved any money for retirement

  13. Singapore elderly are collecting cardboards to survive in the rich city state. The unelected and highly paid Singaporean minister, Grace Fu said, cardboard collecting is a good form of exercise for the elderly. Totally disgraceful that such a civil servant cares little about her countrymen.

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