吉姆·克萊默(Jim Cramer):意識形態上的分歧可能會使美中貿易戰持續多年。

CNBC的吉姆·克萊默(Jim Cramer)表示,他認為支持自由貿易的人和有民粹主義傾向的政治家之間的意識形態差異可能會擴大中美貿易戰。 。

  1. US benefited tremendously from Globalization. Now they blame it. When a nations starts to point a finger instead of doing the right things good for themselves, the downhill ride has begun.

  2. Jim. Can you. Touch on retirement accounts. When the market is good my stock portfolio is up 15 percent. Would it make sense to allocate a portion into bonds. Otherwise i can watch this 15 percent profit dwindle to 3 percent. Any advice.. Thanks.

  3. Oh, Come on. Drug use has been a problem in the USA for more than 60 years. It is even not a news in the USA that her massive population are severely depended on drug like Fentanyl. It is ridiculous to see that all blames go to China for the drug problem in the USA.

  4. Good! I think china needs to suffer like we suffered for 10 years being broke. America has figured things out apparently plus we sell alot of liquid nitrogen and export oil at a massive pace now.

  5. DECADES, not years. When the trade war first started, China told its people from the beginning that this would be the new normal, and it would last at least twenty years – Chinese president Xi called it the new "Long March" way back at the beginning of the trade war. It is the US mainstream media that kept lying that we would get a trade deal soon because gotta prop up the stock market.

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