
讓我們來看看2019年的台灣!它經常被低估為旅遊勝地,但它提供了很多!摩天大樓,美味佳肴,友好的人們和良好的基礎設施。 。

  1. CoolVision: taiwan is the top 11 best road system in the world
    me who had seen 4 fatal road accidents in 2 weeks: *press X to Doubt

  2. I am Taiwanese. Thank you for making this video to introduce everything about TW. I am really touched and almost cry while watching. Hope more and more people enjoy their time here. 真的非常謝謝你做的這個影片,我會分享給很多朋友觀看。

  3. thanks much for promoting Taiwan. Your video is worthy of sharing and recommending for others. Again, thank you so much! Blessings!

  4. The scenery in East coast of Taiwan is amazing and people are always helpful and friendly, but it is recommended not to hitchhike. it』s not popular among the locals and dangerous for females.

  5. Unfortunately I am not interested in museums and not much fan of parks. Is this place good for me to visit?
    I like Thailand, Philippine, Marrakesh. Exotic countries.

  6. Taiwanese culture are the fusion of aborigines, chinese and japanese culture, which make it more special. Love Taiwan, I would love to visit here one day ?

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