




  1. America Congress has approved this kind of weapons to be use against Hong Kong police and innocent civilians when they pass their Human Rights bill against Hong Kong city, the violent rioters has the right to use petrol bombs against police burning roads damaging public property causing hundreds of millions of tax payer money to rebuild it back disrupt international airport and public transport system attacking police with razor blade and arrow

  2. It』s a sad day indeed to witness another Asian news corporation singing to the same propaganda tune just to get a pat on the head. You lot would love to sell your soul to the western devils. Shame on you. Be careful what you wish for, one day it might come back to haunt you.

  3. The chaos causers are international antifa terrorists. Antifa must be crushed everywhere they are found, irregardless what borders they lie across, or within.

  4. They keep saying police brutality,in a case like HKong,the police is not there to hug and kiss you.They have to use force on a stubborn youth who terrorize with violence.
    Don't cry like a baby,you riot,you get what you are looking for.

  5. China needs to have open its borders with Hong Kong and let Chinese free to travel anywhere in China and to go settle all over the west.

  6. protesters destory the beautiful city,and they kill citzens like terrorists.but BBC says:「GOOD JOB! you have that right and freedom! 」

  7. "…..China ?? must hand off Hong Kong and release all the pro-democracy protesters…."/////////////////////
    Is that a JOKE~~ and may well be just Wishful thinking…Ha !!

    Hong Kong has been part of China for as long as hundreds years ago. NO One can change that. Remember ………proclaimed on October 1, "No Force can obstruct the path and progress of the Chinese Nation"

    The U.S aligned and funded can try….but No Chance to obstruct China's rule of Hong Kong even US spending tens of Millions for getting people on the streets!!
    And .. certainly Not one with low mental capacity to understand History. Ha!! Haaaaaa!!

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