為什麼日本和韓國處於貿易戰中? | CNBC解釋

在日韓之間不斷升級的貿易爭端中,許多人問為什麼這兩個亞洲強國在戰鬥。 CNBC的格蕾絲·邵(Grace Shao)解釋了這場爭執的原因以及它如何影響您。








  1. For these months, South Korean people have kept saying "Donald Trump will make a compromise with Kim Jong-un because Donald Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace Prize."
    But at last weekend, the fact was revealed that Donald Trump never wants to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
    The war between USA and Iran will show Kim Jong-un the method how USA will intend to destroy North Korea.
    USA considers that North Korea has cooperated with Iran.
    Which country helped these two countries by means of the smuggling? USA may consider that South Korea helped these two countries.
    Which country was the end-consumer of hydrogen fluoride distributed from South Korea illegally?

  2. The start of the trade war was due to Japanese colonial rule. Behind these two facts, Japan's intention is not to apologize for the hegemony of Asia, and Korea is concerned about repeated history. Indeed, Japan has made Korea the first target of hegemonism by filing a ban on imports of seafood from Japan. These behaviors of Japan has been going on since the 1592 Imjin War.

  3. I learned a lot from these short videos.I watch them regularly.. Keep up the good work.For young generation like us who dont want to watch news and learn about world history, these contents are best. Like you guys more channels are making these kinds of contents.. God bless you..

  4. Just some facts on what's happening after July in 2019
    – Sales of Japanese beer has been dropped by 95% YoY
    – Sales of Uniqlo has been dropped by 66% YoY
    – no particular numbers but local tourism business gets devastated
    – semi-conductor ram material chemical is supplied by a Korean chemical company

    To my understanding on GSOMIA:
    – there are not many exchanges but security information flows only from South Korea to Japan

  5. When you say which is better or worse, first study the history of both countries. It is dangerous to judge right and wrong with biased information on the Internet. In addition, information on the Internet may tell lies. Sorry for the poor English.

  6. Quite surprising that a lot of people see this issue as a trade war. To be honest, if Japan banned those 3 components just because of valid economical rationale, Korean might not care about this much at all. It is what it is, and politicians between two countries should figure out. Actually most of normal people in both were pretty fine and close with huge amount of visitors. What makes Korean outrageous here is about Japanese government's behavior and attitude toward what they did during the war which is very different to Germany. What Japan did to other asian countries including Korea was equivalent to what Hitler did. Massacrer, torture, culture and language extermination, biological experiment to human bodies, comfort women.. a lot more. But look at what Japanese prime minister and politicians say,,, they are proud of themselves. what Japanese history education teach to their children, they dont mention any details. Is it same in Germany??? I heard they even mention Hilter's name any more from their mouth????? totally insane. MOST OF JAPANESE PEOPLE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEIR ANCESTORS COMMITTED !!! It's not a fault of current generation, but they need to know, reflect on that their countries' history did and behave correctly.

    Lastly, many talks about money… come on… take a look how dependent each country is. Because of this, Japan has bigger impact than Korea. Korea is top 2 importer for Japan. Tricky thing is Korea companies' technology and competitiveness has improved last 20 years and Japan still think it's same as 20 years ago.. look at what happens to all Japanese companies now.. Sony, Hitachi, Panasonic….. Korean company can figure out somehow some way as they did before. Money is not the major reason!

  7. That's because Koreans are very selfish and childish species begging and blaming everything to Japan, and Japan is no longer taking care of Korea. Be a grown man Korean people.

  8. The reason of Japan's measure is that SKorea's unlawful handling of the Japan's key materials diverted to military use has been confirmed. Korea is just a trash of this planet.

  9. South Korea is such a stupid country to have a trade war against Japan. South Korea is not in the same level with Japan. Japan is able to invent and manufacture their own high-tech products, but South Korea is only good at mobile phone and memory, and the original technologies of the both were supplied by USA, not developed by South Korea itself.

  10. A Korean court ruled that there was no obligation to implement the international agreement on comfort women. It doesn't matter how stupid the court is. It's a Korean domestic issue. The international community is closely watching the S. Korean government's response as to whether it is a rule-of-law state.

  11. Bottomline. All Asian countries should not trust Japan whose sole pupose of existence is to please US and become a psuedo western country. If you let Japan dominate Asia, there will be no Asia as they don't think they are asians. When dealing with Japan, consider it as a US colony, so if you get approvals from US, you are golden.

  12. I think Moon is aiming for the destruction of S.Korea. For Japan, South Korea's value has been a buffer zone against communist nations. In order to maintain it, Japan has been implementing a policy for not to vanish S. Korea. For N. Korea and China, the value of S. Korea was as a backdoor for supplies from capitalist countries. Moon destroys both values. In the future, South Korea will be treated hard by both communists and capitalists.

  13. Once you signed on a treaty, you shut your mouth even if the treaty is not exact as your favor. It's the world common meaning of PROMISE. But Koreans do not belong to this common sense. They think they can break the promise if they can find or create a reason for it. They are in opposite side of Samurai Spirit and Chivalry.

  14. Many many Koreans love Japanese food, kind people and tour. Plz don't fight. Make love each other ❤️

    I'm Korean ??❤️?? Peace is the best

  15. Some points in this video are influenced by Korean propaganda e.g. there is no record of women forced to be 'comfort women' but there are records of being paid quite handsomely, many Koreans went to Japan for better pay, not forced labourers etc. – from Americas

  16. US-China trade war
    China: US put tarriff on our export, so we put tarrif on their farm product!

    Japan-S Korea trade war
    S Korea: 500 years ago…………..
    (you know this shit is not going to end soon)

  17. I have repeated to comment on Youtube that South Koreans are cunning brainwashed liars, and now, at last, South Korean historians have honestly admitted Koreans' huge sneaky lies !!! ★★★ Anti-Japan Tribalism (반일종족주의, 反日種族主義) is a book written by Lee Young-hoon, Joung An-ki, Kim Nak-nyeon, Kim Yong-sam, Ju Ik-jong, and Lee U-yeon. It was published on July 10, 2019. The book reveals the shamanistic mentality of South Korean people who regard Japan as their primary enemy. Such an exclusionist, intolerant mentality, the authors argue, gave rise to a range of blatant anti-Japan lies in the ROK. ★★★ In the book』s prologue titled 「A Country of Lies,」 Lee Young-hoon speaks critically of the people who lie, the politics which lie, the scholarship of lies, and the trials of lies. According to this book, the lies are particularly noticeable in the ROK』s national history. Lee and the co-authors thus elucidate how their country has created a variety of forged historical accounts. Essentially, the book demonstrates that the official history of the ROK has never been empirical. Anti-Japanism has been a dogma which guided the post-independence South Korea. ★★★ As such, numerous anti-Japan forgeries were produced to dramatize the ROK』s national history. Critical of such a falsification, the book explains how South Korean scholars, journalists, novelists, artists, activists, and politicians all contributed to this process. Anti-Japan Tribalism is an attempt by patriotic South Korean scholars to re-examine the distorted historical narrative of their own country. Based on empirical evidence, the authors disclose and disprove one by one the anti-Japan lies in their history. The book "has a potential to dismantle the ROK』s official history, the one that has been taught as right."

  18. From The New York Times Opinion in 1995 "Germany and Japan Handle History Very Differently"
    ….The Germans, however, have come to terms with their past. While all but the skinhead fringe in Germany recognize the atrocities committed in the Nazi years, many Japanese deny that anything out of the ordinary in war happened in Nanking, in Singapore or in Manila. They are repeatedly stunned and doubtful when evidence surfaces about the brutal human experiments carried out by "Unit 731" in Manchuria or about germ warfare.

    ……Most importantly, there is the difference in the way that history is handled. In Germany, the Nazi genocide has been exhaustively studied and accurately portrayed in memoirs, essays, novels, poems, plays and film.

    In Japan, there is a great appetite for rewriting history into fantasy — for mangas, or comic books, in which Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto survives his plane crash and comes back to destroy the American fleets; in which the Japanese liberate the Pacific from the colonial influence of the West, and in which grateful Asians thank Japan for their deliverance. The education system, the teaching of history and the textbooks that are used reflect this gloss.

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