
美國有線電視新聞網的Fareed Zakaria說,伊朗將以某種方式對美國在巴格達國際機場的空襲做出反應,這場空襲打死了伊朗主要軍事指揮官卡塞姆·索萊馬尼,並發出了關於美伊關係狀況的嚴峻警告。

  1. Which country has killed the most people in the last one hundred years…..drum roll please….America!!!.Woop Woop Woop!!! Congratulations America on the most innocent people killed and maimed on a daily basis. Any words….umm yeah I couldn't have done this without the support of my crooked government and the necessity to find a new target after slavery was abolished…..peace.

  2. The Media needs to stop the same habit of being deferential to Government nomenclature as they did in 2003. Stop parroting the Government's antiseptic terms like a "Pursuing a policy of pressure" Every act and decision made by Trump has been antagonistic and a blatant attempt to provoke a response. Trump can pound his chest and boast about ultimate power, but as usual it'll be US service men and women that make the ultimate sacrifice for his political misadventures.

  3. The eternal sophomores Zakaria and Vanderbilt ride again.
    Soleimani was not assassinated. He was casualty in a war in which he was the aggressor.
    Soleimani's dead.
    Poor Qasem is dead.
    He's lookin' oh so peaceful 'n' serene.
    All the daisies in the dell
    Will give out a different smell.
    When ol' Qasem's underneath the ground.
    (With obeisance to "Poor Jed is Dead" in American musical "Carousel".)
    America's response to Iran's response might not even be perceived by the sophomores.

  4. The truth about the democratic party for the minority who are slaves to the democratic party and believe there lies about Donald Trump and the republican party. Wake up you are slaves to the democratic party. They just want your votes!

    For the minority who is a slave to the democratic party because they only want your votes I urge you to click the link below for the truth about the democratic party. They founded the Kkk and they dont care about you they flipped it and make up lies to make you anti Republican but history doesnt lie think for yourselves


  5. Reagan should of laid waste to Iran after we got our hostages back…That was 1981. I assume, the only reason he didn't was because the U.S. was still energy dependent on the region.

  6. Why are you not covering that the president is not authorized to do a military strike? It goes through Congress. Possible consequences have to be studied. He ignored laws and procedures and narcissistically took matters into his own hands, putting us at so much risk. I hope he doesn't push the nuclear button on his own.

  7. شما در نظرات در باره جنگ بین ایران و آمریکا صحبت می کنید . جنگ خوب نیست . با اینحال آمریکا می جنگد . آمریکا به ویتنام حمله کرد با وجود اینکه میشد بین ویتنامی ها صلح ایجاد کرد .آمریکا به افغانستان حمله کرد . آمریکا به عراق حمله کرد. آمریکا سربازانش را به زور وارد سوریه کرد . آمریکا داعش را ایجاد کرد و آن را تجهیز کرد . در اولین نگاه آمریکا خود القاعده را برای حمله به شوروی سابق در افغانستان ساخت . آمریکا انواع گروه های تروریستی را ساخت که هیچ وژدانی ندارند و کودکان را به راحتی می کشند .

    ایران زمانی وارد عراق و سوریه شد که دولت مردان سوریه و عراق خواستار آن بودند . ایران به مردم عراق و سوریه کمک کرد تا بتوانند جلو تروریست ها و داعش به ایستند درحالی که آمریکا منتظر بود داعش قدرتمند شود و برای خود حکومت تشکیل دهد وقتی آمریکا دید که این نقشه ی آمریکا اتفاق نمی افتد داعش را به افغانستان و یمن برد .

    آمریکا جایی نرفت که آنجا را نابود نکرده باشد . هیچ کشوری در خاورمیانه نبود که در آن بیگناهی توسط آمریکا کشته نشده باشد .

    در هر جای دنیا اگر آمریکا آن کشور را ضعیف ببیند آمریکا سعی میکند که وضعیت آن کشور را ملتحب کند تا خود را وارد آن کشور کند .
    اگر آمریکا در خود میدید که می تواند با ایران بجنگد سالیان قبل به ایران حمله می کرد .

    هر نقشه ای که دولتمردان آمریکایی بر علیه ایران طراحی می کنند در نهایت به نفع ایران می شود .

    جنگ خوب نیست . همه می گویند جنگ خوب نیست ولی با اینحال به وقوع آن کمک می کنند . دولت ایران در این چند سال با مذاکرات هسته سعی کرد روابط نرمالی را با آمریکا داشته باشد ولی دولت مردانی احمقی مثل ترامپ هر دفعه زیاده خواهی انجام دادند و امتیازات ایران را در برجام نقض کردند این چنان شد که تا سالیان سال دیگر هیچ ایرانی نه دولتمرد ایرانی و نه مردم ایران آمریکا را در جایگاهی نمی بینند که با او مذاکره کنند .

    برنامه های هسته ای ایران شروع شده . ایران برنامه صلح آمیز هسته ای دارد . در فرهنگ و مذهب ایران ترور وجود ندارد ! و سلاح کشتار جمعی معنایی ندارد .

    جنایات آمریکا بر علیه مردم ایران سالیان سال است که ادامه دارد حتی قبل از انقلاب اسلامی آمریکا با ایجاد کودتا دولت مصدق را سرنگون کرد

    آمریکا هواپیمای مسافربری را در هوا منفجر کرد . و تعدادی زیادی از زنان و مردان و کودکان را کشت . آمریکا و چندین کشور دیگر به صدام در جنگ بین عراق با ایران کمک زیادی کردند ولی باز موفق نشدن

    آمریکا در سفارت خانه اش در ایران بر علیه دولت ایران جاسوسی می کرد و سعی در نابودی حکومت ایران در همان زمان را داشت با مدارکی که مردم ایران کسب کردند به سفارت آمریکا یورش بردند و آنجا را اشغال کردند و مدارک زیادی پیدا کردند .

    دولت آمریکا از زمانی بترسد که مردم سایر کشور های جهان هم ترس خود را کنار بگذارند و سعی کنند دخالت های کشور آمریکا را از کشور خود دور کنند و نظامی های آمریکایی را بیرون کنند

  8. CNN – Israel propaganda all the time! Max Boot – Neocon idiot! Assassination is illegal under U S law! Absolutely illegal! Morally outrageous!

  9. Israel owns Trump – Israel did this – the Neocons are Israeli agents – Israel is laughing at us right now! Israel has pushed US to war in Iraq and now Iran! Wake up, Americans, wake up! Israel did 9/11 – false flag attack to get U S to attack Israel's enemies.

  10. America were CON to play on the hands of Iranian power group. Killing Soliemani clear the way of Iranian power to assume power without the beloved General.

  11. You guys are HOPING Iran strikes back and kills people just to make Trump look bad. Disgusting. Well guess what? Iran isn't going to do shit.

  12. America has finally gotten a leader who isn』t afraid to look evil in the eye and do something about it. He is taking to prisoners.
    Obama allowed the Noble Peace Prize to allow him to become a lame duck to the world. His lack of leadership is the result of Trump having to work twice as hard as any President. Iran is a bully and Trump gave him a warning after he shot down our drone. Don』t touch an American or America. You killed an American contractor and raided our embassy compound then you will get a warning present. 「Bam.」 Iran is emboldened by the Democrats and left winged media to threaten our president as they are on the side of Iran and not the American people.

  13. Leftist/Liberals have it ass backwards. It is America responding to Iran's terrorism that the decision to eliminate Soleimani. Iran has been killing hundreds of American troops, outside of Iran. Iran is developing nuclear weapons. Anyone who thinks otherwise has been completely duped. They have sworn to destroy Israel for decades. Iran's leaders have declared 'Death to America' since the revoution.

  14. Good luck america. you're going to need it. Tangling with the wrong beast with arrogance and false propaganda filled with lies to make the american people believe Iran is the enemy. U.S. is the only country that uses military drones, ships, satellites, troops etc to invade or destroy countries in the name of oil. Venezuela, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Iran. These countries were lied about and either bombed or attacked by U.S. Wake up people.

  15. What balls these Liberal Communist Traitors are trying to defend the Terrorist leadership, DICSPICABLE Traitors. Close down the Fake News Media and send them to Iran. Fareed Zakaria is a Stone Terrorist Sympathizer , like we couldn't tell what side he's on.

  16. America has been committing war crimes for hundreds of years so don't be surprised that this ploy is some sneaky shit that TRUMP pulled to avoid his impeachment trial no secret here

  17. we need peace in the middle east. there is riots, bombings, its is chaos there. its time for peace and after this war we will have it world wide.

  18. Fareed Zakaria wrote a book called "The Post American World"…i read it….he talks about how America needs to come down and other countries go up economic wise/ military wise etc…..guess what Obama did in his 8 years? Brought America down while other countries were allowed to come up…..Guess when Obama read "The Post American World?" Very early in his presidency.

  19. this 2 clowns praise a terrorist at the most anti-American propaganda station CNN . And that gay anderson compares Salami, a murderer with Charles de Gaul , a war hero ….

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