
Peter Schiff在RT America Boom Bust上討論黃金,利率和中美貿易協定(11/11/2019)




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  1. duh. the yanks are just shooting themselves in the feet. China now has an excuse to build up their own high tech corporations, push out yankee corporations, and ultimately dominate the tech world. By taking advantage of their people's hostilities towards the yanks and buying only products made by the own companies, the Chinese govt is able to not only kick the yankee corps out of China, but forced the yanks to now hoping it will return to buying their farm products. LOL Any yankee or other foreign company siding with the Chinese will now play by China's rules. And believe me, they will, considering China is the biggest market in the world. They don't want to get caught on the wrong side and be shut out of this huge, still largely untapped money making market

    Just think of it: China, still a developing nation and a lot of room for growth, can make the yanks look and act like drivelling idiots. What will it be like when it finally becomes a developed nation, in the next decade, with a billion plus high average iq population fully educated and healthy? The birth of a Hyperpower.

    Every time when Dump says he is not ready for a trade deal and chest thumps, he really means Xi will not take his call. LOL what a loser. Anyone who follows this trade war, intimately, knows exactly what I wrote here.

  2. This is way American lies this had been laieng for last two years still American same nothing now name of trade war now American better of block Chinese product boycott make American products buying now all secret tik tic

  3. Of course he』s going to lose the trade war because the opposition has made him weak and it was too much talking and uncertainty whether or not he can conclude his objective so China held tight and did not budge knowing Trump would cave because he had no support from the government

  4. Trump is winning the trade war which was surrendered by previous administrations and China』s currency is in the toilet while the American markets are off the chart.

  5. Trade war is easy to win by CCP? United Snakes will go bankruptcy?
    What a war in the millenium. Long long time ago the western world they win there trade war with China when they sell opium. What's a history that will not be repeated again. Even now, no more soya bean for China…..LOL.

  6. the US started something they could NEVER win …………… yet again

    "This is a list of companies who either own factories, or have contract factories producing their products
    in China. Some of the companies produce 100% of their products there, and others only produce parts,
    or certain ingredients for their products. The list below is approximately 1% of the actual Corporate list."

  7. The market is reaching new highs but the business media is actually sending a subtle message they suspect its a bubble with the appearance of people like Schiff..NO ONE KNOWS what is going on…

  8. All the big 4 accounting firms operate in China and control a very large market share. Every month/quarter, they duly report back to the US intelligence agencies on how China's economy is doing. Imagine if the Chinese economy were indeed struggling, a deal would have been reached long long time ago.

  9. China's modus operandi " bribe anybody that can be bribed, shower the people with gifts who will not accept". One way or another they'll get you. So we know these people have their own motivea

  10. Hmmm….US unemployment is at record lows, Wall Street is at record highs….China unemployment is through the roof, their economy is on the verge of collapse. Tell me again how Trump is losing the trade war?

  11. Without the US market .. China would be stuffed.. china can』t shift into domestic consuming.. all asian know very well .. the chinese are very tight when come to spending. Also 4-2-1 china one child policy has push all the pressure of one person to look after 7 people.. apart energy and food on the table.. they have nothing left to spend. China commie regime is now printing more money to stimulate rubbish infrastructures leading to nowhere to help curb down unemployment rates.. apart from that it will increase pushing the Belt Road Initiative debt traps projects into those corrupted countries to collect foreign exchange and resources

  12. Trying to read the market in the short term is something people with low IQ find useful. Also, is the fucking asian chick going to a fucking ballroom after this interview?lol "Inflate a bubble" means welfare for rich people, fyi.

  13. This is the biggest lie I have seen rt report 30 percent of all Chinese businesses borrowed money every single quarter in 2019 and the shadow banking is back and it hasn't slowed the slowing Chinese economy fcking lying rt

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