
伊朗伊斯蘭革命衛隊(IRGC)Quds部隊負責人Soleimani和伊朗支持的伊拉克人民動員部隊(PMF)的副負責人Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis是在伊拉克被殺的人中的一員。 PMF的一份聲明說,當地時間周五凌晨發生襲擊,這對人「受到美國罷工的mar難」。

#iran #CNN#新聞。

  1. The American strike was an elegant hit.
    You want foolish? I'll show you foolish.
    CNN's failure to note the extermination of these vermin was an elegant hit was foolish.
    Salami's trip to Iraq was foolish.
    The top salami's remark that Trump couldn't do a damn thing was foolish.

  2. Why is an Iranian General in Iraq in the first place , NO Iranian military should be in Iraq because it's not their country and for him to be there and having his men attack anyone in Iraq is an act of war against the people of Iraq .

    But no one is saying anything about that are they…..

  3. I don't know if Trump and the "high quality" people around him are capable of understanding the simple concept of if we fuck with other people, they will fuck with us.

  4. USA is the only country which distorts peace all over the world.. This is horrible .. USA wants one more war to win election and make money..

  5. شما در نظرات در باره جنگ بین ایران و آمریکا صحبت می کنید . جنگ خوب نیست . با اینحال آمریکا می جنگد . آمریکا به ویتنام حمله کرد با وجود اینکه میشد بین ویتنامی ها صلح ایجاد کرد .آمریکا به افغانستان حمله کرد . آمریکا به عراق حمله کرد. آمریکا سربازانش را به زور وارد سوریه کرد . آمریکا داعش را ایجاد کرد و آن را تجهیز کرد . در اولین نگاه آمریکا خود القاعده را برای حمله به شوروی سابق در افغانستان ساخت . آمریکا انواع گروه های تروریستی را ساخت که هیچ وژدانی ندارند و کودکان را به راحتی می کشند .

    ایران زمانی وارد عراق و سوریه شد که دولت مردان سوریه و عراق خواستار آن بودند . ایران به مردم عراق و سوریه کمک کرد تا بتوانند جلو تروریست ها و داعش به ایستند درحالی که آمریکا منتظر بود داعش قدرتمند شود و برای خود حکومت تشکیل دهد وقتی آمریکا دید که این نقشه ی آمریکا اتفاق نمی افتد داعش را به افغانستان و یمن برد .

    آمریکا جایی نرفت که آنجا را نابود نکرده باشد . هیچ کشوری در خاورمیانه نبود که در آن بیگناهی توسط آمریکا کشته نشده باشد .

    در هر جای دنیا اگر آمریکا آن کشور را ضعیف ببیند آمریکا سعی میکند که وضعیت آن کشور را ملتحب کند تا خود را وارد آن کشور کند .
    اگر آمریکا در خود میدید که می تواند با ایران بجنگد سالیان قبل به ایران حمله می کرد .

    هر نقشه ای که دولتمردان آمریکایی بر علیه ایران طراحی می کنند در نهایت به نفع ایران می شود .

    جنگ خوب نیست . همه می گویند جنگ خوب نیست ولی با اینحال به وقوع آن کمک می کنند . دولت ایران در این چند سال با مذاکرات هسته سعی کرد روابط نرمالی را با آمریکا داشته باشد ولی دولت مردانی احمقی مثل ترامپ هر دفعه زیاده خواهی انجام دادند و امتیازات ایران را در برجام نقض کردند این چنان شد که تا سالیان سال دیگر هیچ ایرانی نه دولتمرد ایرانی و نه مردم ایران آمریکا را در جایگاهی نمی بینند که با او مذاکره کنند .

    برنامه های هسته ای ایران شروع شده . ایران برنامه صلح آمیز هسته ای دارد . در فرهنگ و مذهب ایران ترور وجود ندارد ! و سلاح کشتار جمعی معنایی ندارد .

    جنایات آمریکا بر علیه مردم ایران سالیان سال است که ادامه دارد حتی قبل از انقلاب اسلامی آمریکا با ایجاد کودتا دولت مصدق را سرنگون کرد

    آمریکا هواپیمای مسافربری را در هوا منفجر کرد . و تعدادی زیادی از زنان و مردان و کودکان را کشت . آمریکا و چندین کشور دیگر به صدام در جنگ بین عراق با ایران کمک زیادی کردند ولی باز موفق نشدن

    آمریکا در سفارت خانه اش در ایران بر علیه دولت ایران جاسوسی می کرد و سعی در نابودی حکومت ایران در همان زمان را داشت با مدارکی که مردم ایران کسب کردند به سفارت آمریکا یورش بردند و آنجا را اشغال کردند و مدارک زیادی پیدا کردند .

    دولت آمریکا از زمانی بترسد که مردم سایر کشور های جهان هم ترس خود را کنار بگذارند و سعی کنند دخالت های کشور آمریکا را از کشور خود دور کنند و نظامی های آمریکایی را بیرون کنند

  6. Clown show how sad can you Democrat』s get. The gang of 8 are leakers as President I would of never told them either we saved American lives and if we would of told Schiff it would of gotten to the enemy

  7. Why do people not see "their" prier aggression. Soleimani was instrumental in the Embassy Hostage Crisis. POTUS avenged 52
    Americans and their families plus all Patriots of "that" time. Thank you
    POTUS Trump. AMERICAN Hostage Crisis. 444 days. Nov 4 1979 to Jan 20
    1981. Why now? We waited long enough already. We were made to cower
    once. To assume that fear could hold Americans hostage and suffer, w/out recourse is Stupid!

  8. Hey Iran, Your boy Obama is not running things over here anymore. No more pallets at fat cash. No more negotiation talks. No more of you hijacking tanker ships. So here we』re sending something your way it』s been long overdue????????.

  9. Why is CNN lying and allowing defamation of character to be spread around when we all really know the truth and they're not standing up for as reporters

  10. This is a terrorist that needed to be removed, he is not our friend, stop being such pss. Is better to be feared out there. The rest of the world is not like the us. They only understand pure power.
    Trump is correct on this decision, plus this is military security decision , and we need no Begasi.

  11. The Federal reserve bank controls the petrol dollars in return to manipulate its' surrogates with weaponry to yank resources. It's all about protecting the dollar taxation and usury games. An Economy survival world war by all means. Dollar need replacement.it would'nt happen without a fight. It's not about Trump.

  12. They condemn it? Oh, I'm shitting my pants in fear. Fuck Iran. They don't have the balls for an all out attack. They'll get some bullshit militia to do some terrorist level action. Their military knows what will happen if they go too far with a retaliatory act. If we decide to take the gloves off it's going to be devastating.

  13. about time to educate the heathen unbelievers………………….hahahahahaha the democrat lost a rabid supporter and probably funding as well …………. about phucking time… insolent bastards

  14. Our oil and gas are vital national security interests – we should be using our diplomatic corps and the business community to bolster and protect our interests – ie so-called soft-power and human tactics. Military activities should be reserved for worst-case situations. Iraq needs to be developed economically – fix the unemployment and give people the basics like water and utilities — and you've undermined the enemy. So much money has been poured in — for what?? Where did it go?? It failed to trickle down 'to the street.' Guys — you need to remedy this pronto and that will go along way toward military and national security or you failed to learn from history and politicians have put our military in a vulnerable situation again. The demonstration the other day in Iraq is one of the largest in modern history – and the US media has gingerly stepped around quantifying only reporting 'thousands' demonstrators. Hogmannay. Try hundreds of thousands of people. Maybe a million. If that gains momentum, that will be dangerous

  15. We condemn Iran for killing innocent people around the world ! Part of the snake has been wounded, and it's time to cut the head off !

  16. The United States has space based weapons and intel gathering capabilities that are 50 years ahead of Iran. The U.S can and will dominate any action taken by enemies foreign or domestic.

  17. We Pakistani support iran if not directly will do indirectly . usa , israel biggest enemies of islam and Muslims

  18. We Pakistani support iran if not directly will do indirectly . usa , israel biggest enemies of islam and Muslims

  19. Trump is clearly trying to create a war so he can be re-elected. This is a person who would sacrifice our servicemen and women for his political career. It's disgusting. The guy has no conscience.

  20. American is a great country we should proud to be an American. So whatever our president did or do is to protect us and make our country better; therefore as a citizens we should stand behind him until his term is over. We as Americans we should united not divided on foreign threat.

  21. United Sanctions of America,(the world will be a better place without that General, really ? Irak was supposed to be a better place without
    Saddam H), same bs talk again and again, if a smart person can show me a place in the world the USA has made it better place?

    Don't forget the current Iran regime is the result of US actions, same in Afghanistan, libya, etc…..,

  22. This has never happened before, why is the fake media supporting a person involved in terrorism, and killed many Americans?

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