


  1. Trade war is easy to win….. blah blah blah blah and on and on, while he is talking China is busy working, and building facilities for other countries and very productive every other day. While he only care about the oil in Syria or creating unrest in hongkong or some South America countries like because of lithium in Bolivia or oil in Venezuela.

  2. Let's close the border to everyone. We don't need them. We are 4.4 percent of the world population! WINING

  3. Initially trump agreed on what China announcement , then the next day said no. Ha ha TrUmp …..1 second on ,next second off ….who would wanted to seriously trust this administration ! ! !

  4. The USA administrators are all confused and muddled-headed, in a state of confusion! It's really difficult to deal with these type of people.

  5. The deal trump wanted to win badly for his 2020 re-election. To roll his boat forward is 12 months upstream and time not on his side. Roll back there's a steep fall. Mr. Trump has only a pair of oars left in his dragon boat. ??

  6. USA is pirate. They rob and kill in Middle East, They violet all kinds of human rights. They cheat, they steal. a President who cheat , not paying the rightful tax.

  7. The spirit of the agreement and the spirit of the contract are all empty words for the US government. This is the freedom that the United States claims, actually doing what it wants.

  8. Naive America believes that sanctioning China (by taxing American consumers) Americans will be able to contain the inevitable Chinese rise to global dominance…
    The fact is America just cannot compete with Cost Effective China's manufacturing, education system and governance agility.
    Conclusion: Resistance will be futile!

  9. There is nothing really new in the comments. On the American side, Donald Trump's statement is the one that counts. He stated that he had not committed to any tariff reductions. But, he did not say that there would not be any. That statement is consistent with what he said at his news conference after the October negotiations. There was no mention of tariff reductions being part of the written agreement. But, Trump said the timing of the agreement left him with time to decide not to impose the December 15 tariffs. The big concession of the Chinese was not to demand tariff reductions before they made any concessions. Their recent statements sounds like they might be going back on that concession. But they talk about phased reductions. An intention of the United States not to make the December hikes might be part of an understanding for the phase one agreement even if it is not being written into the text. Nothing Trump said contradicts that possibility. Other tariff reductions would come at later phases. Perhaps there has been some discussion of what the later phases might be. But, nobody has committed to their content. Navorro was left blowing in the wind by Trump's choice to pursue the phase one deal. Perhaps there some chance that Trump could change his mind. But his recent comment is not a change. It is not clear whether the Chinese are trying to push the edge of the deal a little or whether they are trying to save face on their concession to move forward without commitments on American tariff reductions. Donald Trump is resisting any effort by the Chinese to gain some incremental advantage. But, none of the comments so far indicates any real change in the prospects for the phase one deal. Nor do they really shed light on what might be under discussion as possible content for later phases of the negotiation.

  10. China needs America far more than America needs China. That nation will crash and burn just like the Soviet Union did to end the cold war. Unfortunately, the entire world economy will eventually collapse because of all governments continuing to spend more than they take in.

  11. Contradictions? When one is lying one day New York is in the south and the next day it's in the west and on the third day New York is in the North. There is no contraction when one is lying.

  12. No deal, this is the last chance to defeat the Chinese communists evil or all people in the world would under the control of Chinese Communist. When world war 3 happens it would be too late. I hope Soybean Trump could hold ground.

  13. How many Chinese speaks English?
    how many American speaks Chinese?
    That』s a reflection of who got the upper hands when comes to trade deals & other matters.
    『know your enemy….』
    A wise saying indeed.

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