


與此同時,首次接任政治家的林凱文(Kelvin Lam)贏得了南地平線(South Horizo​​ns)的席位,後者接替被取消資格的激進主義者王若s(Joshua Wong)。


  1. hkg nightmare started so called pro democracy won the election….never happen they wish to claim independent and one country one system, may bring hkg into war and destroying. …peaceful is part of our life to make a living…

  2. Support the independence of Northern Ireland and drive the English out! Don't let the evil British government interfere with democracy and freedom in Northern Ireland!

  3. Isn』t this just like going to China to promote democracy? Why don』t they just do the same with China as hole country and Catalonia???
    All these people who wrote this reviews have any answer?
    What about pro democracy 200 people killed by soudi government ? What about trumps support for soudi killing of a freedom fighter turkey?? Can any one answer this question?
    Disgrace dictator America.

  4. Police brutality ? you must be kidding.
    Don』t sell your arss for some money you are getting from America.
    It』s your brothers and sisters country too. Idiot.
    Being British I feel ashamed to have America our closest ally we have done few bad things in our history but if this carry』s on the world will spit at us in the future to come.

  5. Still looking for those that said "ordinary citizens of Hongkong are suffering because of minority protestors". Suddenly all mao gang has gone quiet. Congratulations to Hongkong! The people has spoken!

  6. So happy for Hongkong up to this moment after months of protest. But still a long fight with communist. remember communist is a scumbag evil mind they can change yes to no any moment. HongKong need to stand up together to fight for freedom.

  7. Pro China Mr. Ho lost his votes big time…there's video showed he was shaking hands and patting on their shoulders to say thank you on the night of 21st of July , where there were hundreds gangsters white clad just beating people to pieces …..he is a fake…and always swear to other councils.
    His PHD title was removed by Liverpool university due to his poor conduct .
    There is a God and there is justice. ???????????

  8. communism will not rise….using brutal force to suppress! they are no longer relevant in this world…the China chinese are staying within the wall…

  9. First the election result. Now Trump has signed the bill. This is the beginning of the end for you Junius, you racist, homophobic, triad-connected scumbag!

  10. Beating people, setting people on fire, assassinating people, killing people, not to mention tremendous destruction to private and public properties. And lies after lies. They have done them all. The pan Democratic Party don』t have bottom lines in order to grab power.

  11. If China is a unified constitutional country with universal suffrage, the relationship between Hong Kong and China is similar to that between New York and the United States, the relationship between Taiwan and China is similar to that between Catalonia and the United States, and the Silicon Valley of China is in Taiwan. The China Communist Party of clown cheat party。the China of people,s China and the people,s republic China of clown cheat China。

  12. How come you didn』t mention that the reason why Junius Ho lost was because many people consider him responsible for the Yuen Long massacre, where 200 triad members assaulted liberators returning home from a rally — including a pregnant woman who was so brutally beaten she lost her baby?!!

  13. Well.. we all know westerners are ruled by entities with exorbitant economic interests, which in turn materialize through organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank, NATO, etc…
    but do you know what the difference is?
    That here in the West, we have access to free information, unlike China, isolated by a large Internet firewall.
    Here in the West, citizens have inalienable civil and political rights, we do not suffer permanent censorship, nor your social credit that punishes ideological dissent. Here in the West we have a consolidated democracy, not a totalitarian state of hypervigilance and facial recognition… which sends minorities like the Uighur to concentration camps for brainwashing… which murders and imprisons pro human rights lawyers.
    Definitely, as an european, my system have many flaws, but no one of my people would adopt the chinese model… Humanity carried in its worst stage, without respect for the environment or for human political or civil rights, nor for democracy. HONG KONG has spoken… and they said NO!!

  14. Thanks BBC you didn't report on those rioters have intimidate normal citizens, they didn't give normal citizens the freedom of speech, if they do speak out they might get petrol pour on them and set a light, all those rioters is not fighting for democracy and freedom, but this is western propaganda ! This is western value !

  15. Hey, wait a minute.

    Slightly less than 60% of voters of about 3 million voted democrats & won 394 out of 452 seats (87%)? 

    This electoral system is definitely flawed!

    A British legacy? Like their education system that churn out students who hated their Chinese faces? Mobsters who bashed up others not like-minded?

    Boy, I am glad I don't live in Hong Kong.
    BTW, neither do I live in China. My country's electoral system is definitely more representative.

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