





歐文·瓊斯(Owen Jones)演講►http://bit.ly/subsowenjones

  1. How is it Carrie Lam (Pro Establishment) still holds power even though the other sides win (Pro Democracy)?

    How is this different from some of those South African Dictatorship elections in the past? If no change after this, another Nelson Mandela will rise in Hong Kong if the 5 demands have not been met, which fully coincide within the "One country Two system" promise.

  2. I dont understand about this call for democracy…..wouldnt the results of this election be a convincing proof that democracy is alive in Hong Kong……so what the heck is all these protest and riots are for?

  3. Let's hope they enjoy their celebrations. It's only a matter of time now before the Chinese send the tanks in. They've done it before.

  4. hahaha.. calm down people… the only power they have is garbage collection times and bus routes lol… it still belongs to China 🙂

  5. This is the beauty of democracy , even though British Raj kept Indians slaves for more than 200 years + but they left three two golden egg
    1) Democracy
    2) English
    3) union of India
    for me above three are so precious
    Fight for your rights peacefully like Gandhi and Martin Luther king
    soon you can smell Freedom that is delicious than everything
    Long live Democracy
    Spread Democracy and human rights to mainland china too

  6. Beijing is the biggest loser. Mongol emperor Xi Jinping got a big slap in the face. Hongkongers love democracy than we love China.

  7. Couldn't be more proud. The demands for democracy are loud and clear with the result of this election and the protesters are making real change happen. Keep fighting Hong Kong!!! Show all dictators what happens when citizens stand united against corruption.

  8. Don't worry, Russia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, China, India, Germany, Philippines and Venezuela is currently buying up alot of gold for the preparation of dropping the dollar. Marcos Gold will save the world from an Economic Crisis.

  9. China currently building the New Stock Exchange in Macau which will finish in 2020 to diversify the markets and reduce the financial instability of Hong Kong.
    I do believe China has plans for the benefit of everyone.

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