
美國和中國可能會在貿易協議的「第一階段」中縮減措施,這可能會結束其長達15個月的貿易戰。 RT America的Rachel Blevins是最新的。

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  1. Because making "deals" with Trump and his administration carry no real reliability (Trump changes his mind on whims and whenever he feels it's good for his ego), how is it possible for China to enter into any lasting agreements? These meetings are just theatrics and a stall tactic, showing a civil face against Trump's hostile administration. Also, it would not be wise for China to create the impression that Trump is "winning" using his tactics and fulfilling Trump's desire to create a self-promoting narrative and photo-ops; this would only fortify his reelection chances and a continuation down this path of aggression. There may be small "window dressing" agreements down the road, but the substantive agreements and normalization will have to wait for at least 2021 – IMHO.

  2. Trump, son of God, king of the Jew and chosen one.
    Trump is not in charge. Jew neocon criminal and Israel Mossad hiding in Trump are in charge, declare war with China to protect apartheid Israel Jew interest.
    Jew neocon trade war conspiracy: make Jerusalem capital of Apartheid Israel, help Israel to war and destroy Iran, denuclearized and sanction Israel Jew greatest threat and enemy North Korea, OR, you get trade war, sanction and regime change.

  3. In modern day world, who did what, with what intention, caused what consequence to itself and others, are crystal clear to everyone in global community. No one can be fooled by hypocritical wordings. In long run, the winner must be the one who treats other with respect; helps other, not puts other in trouble; promotes peace, not war; thoughtful to environment and future generations, not greedy for today's consumption, tolerate all religious; not a particular one; powerful enough to protect itself, yet never bully less powerful nations. All these qualifications for the winner were, amazingly, written in Sun Tzu and Tao Te Ching, 2000 years ago.

  4. Lots of Trump hating comments here. Trump is doing the right thing in trying to reduce the big trade imbalance and he has done nothing worthy of impeachment, unlike Obama & the Dems that Unconstitutionally weaponized the Intelligence Community against their political opponents. Those are the ones that need to be locked up or shot for treason & sedition!!!

  5. US, MEXICO, and CANADA are doing just fine.. nothing wrong here.. now that Mexico took over for China with trade at 300 billion and Canada with trade at 200 billion. China was 500 billion that was just split with Mx and Canada.. Now China is 3rd place at 100 billion in trade with the USA.. China is falling hard!!! without USA money to convert to YUAN.. they have to USE QE.. china using QE to fund Africa, Venezuela, and their socialism, all other nation they are helping.. its all QE DEBT!!. DEBT, those countries will never pay back and China will just take over their land for payment on the debt.

  6. i guess the roll back is for Christmas Shopping in America, wont be surprise if America back stab and raise it back again in Jan 2020 before China's Lunar New Year.

  7. Either Trump will change his mind or he may allow Phase 1 to go through….!

    The reason being, he needs votes from certain parties to ensure his winning the next Election….!

    ONCE TRUMP wins the Election, he will tear-up whatever Agreements he has made with CHINA….!
    (I believe that sounds pretty possible…!)

  8. I hope the Chinese remember the old saying: the leopard cannot change his spots. Of course they do have a long history that would have included oppression being under the yoke of the imperialist powers.

  9. Decoupling has started since Trump took office. The Fed depends on ZIRP for over 3 US presidential terms and now heading towards NIRP. The only way to erase the debts. Just blame it on the crash.

    US already knew China will not commit for another bailout. China using its reserve on BRI which is a backup plan to counter Western boom and bust cycle scheme.

  10. zero % interest rate, all the repo done by the fed? why? what next? get the 1st phase trade agreement signed and then restart the trade war after election.

  11. Still cannot trust UassA snakes, they never kept their promises cos now they are facing recession, so China never trust the Yankees government.

  12. What deal? The only way is for Trump to stop all tariffs and stop banning Tech Companies. He can call it "he won" to safe face! The prices of goods will definitely not drop back to the pre tariffs levels! Trump's "strategy" backfired! China have 50 years plans. It would be nice if America have a 5 or perhaps a 1 year plan.

  13. Trjmp got what he wanted, Taxing TaxPayers for 10s of Billions even if it means getting worst deal than what already existed. Now Cbina will purchase less since China already made deals with other Countries. He's just desperate now because his elections is coming up.

  14. When we see ppl don』t even have money to shop clothes at Walmart, you know the trade war or the 「game of chicken」 is coming to an end at least temporarily.

  15. This trade war shouldn』t have happened in the first place. Many Americans including oversea nations were innocently dragged into this 「charade」 perpetrated by the selfish incompetent U.S government in order to impress the American voters, but eventually and evidently it did not work. Those who supported and believed that it would work really need to have their tiny heads examined. They don』t have rationally and critically analytical skills to see through lies told by slimy conning politicians who promised them with 「unicorns」, so please they should STOP believing their two same corporate parties – Democrats and Republicans are their 「saviors」.

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