
總理馬哈蒂爾·穆罕默德(Tun Mahathir Mohamad)說,在東盟峰會上的領導人感到,中美貿易戰正在破壞東盟國家的貿易和經濟增長。

馬哈蒂爾博士在周日在泰國曼谷舉行的第35屆東盟峰會上的一次新聞發布會上說,並補充說,馬來西亞和其他國家對制裁和不準與伊朗貿易不滿意。 。

  1. Blame us-china trade war. They want trade so they are trying to stop each others cheating. Are'nt we asian tiger? Instead we look like cat of asia.

  2. Tun is really out of touch here in his description of the trade war and blind to the very fact that China has been conducting trade war for long time with with many countries with the intent to dominate, Malaysia still owes a huge debt to China and could have been worst if not for the formation of the new government from the last general election. People say in old age come wisdom, but this guy is becoming more and more like a retard. His is talking nonsense in regards with the other countries as they share the same sentiment with him. It is because of the trade war investments are moving out of China and into many other countries. Sanctions? He is the authority on it now? I hope Malaysia gets sanction then maybe He will learn to shut up and work for the betterment of the Malaysian people than meddle with the affairs of other nations. Condemning other nations for not adhering to the rule of law, first clean up the damn corruption in Malaysia and with his personal family where now the net worth of his family is 8 billion.

  3. China is the cheater and grabber that is why there is a trade war. Mahathir will dance in happy secretly when China will stop grabbing or wandering in Malaysia sea territory if China feels their money is going to dry up just because of this trade war between US and China.

  4. The bad deals which put the country in a lot of debt were made by Malaysians themselves. Why blame Goldman and the US? I expected more wisdom from Mahathir

  5. What is with all the hate comments. Is everyone else other than Mahathir an expert on international geopolitics here ? We as Malaysians shouldn't stoop so low as just simply making troll comments on Youtube. I'm just saying

  6. Ang mga reporter at journalist sa pinas Hindi mag tanong puro bobo panelo gusto nila takot mag tanong sa ibang leader sa ibang bansa mga kutong Bobo reporter sa pinas

  7. If US keeps its fingers out of other nations, if US stays away from inciting wars in other countries and trying to profit from them, if US stop brainwashing people using fake news

  8. Stop blaming others and do blame yourself. Much work remains not done at home Tun. Revive education system and improve civic concious in Malaysia. We will remember you for that.

  9. Can Mahathir explain or even give an example how the US and China trade war is affecting ASEAN. Listen carefully to what this IDIOT is speaking. It makes no sense at all. A leader who has single handedly destroyed Malaysian economy is now talking cock.

  10. Kepada saudara semua yang caci Tun M, ko tau apa? Tun M berbahas English ko paham? Najib suruh ko to hisap konek dia korang semua hisap kao kao.
    Apa yang berlaku dalam Malaysia berlaku seluruh dunia. Malaysia hampir bankrap disebabkan master ko rampas semua. U ingat senang nak ambik balik billions dari America? Korang semua hutang duit orang lain ko bayar balik tak? Bahlol! Patutla naik motosikal seumur hidup ko. Lembu!

  11. Tun M ..yr distructive mouth has been giving Malaysia hell!!! Where r your promises in d PH Manifesto? When can u fulfill them? These shall be yr worries !!!

  12. Tun you are too old and cannot find for investment and always blameing other countrie and now you are making enemy with America.remember the 1MDB money is in DOJ America.nanti mat salleh songlap duit 1MDB nanti.

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