
在華盛頓對伊朗支持的伊拉克民兵組織進行空襲後,伊朗警告美國「後果」。 CNN的Arwa Damon報道。

#CNN #News。

  1. President Trump absolutely has the Power and Authority to Act with military force WITHOUT permission of Congress: See, Durand v. Hollins S.D.N.Y 8F. Cas. 111 (No. 4168) (1860)…Suggest all Liberals to read this Court Opinion.

  2. LoL I can't watch this because it's so fake but I can be how this interview will go. "Blablabla blabla bla blablabla gay blabla bla blablabla."

    I don't get my news from people like this. Let's just take the other side no matter what. He's dead!!! ROFLMAO

  3. To clarify:
    None of the American people want to have our troops police the world
    None of us want to be involved in the Middle East
    None of us want to be involved in another war, including our own troops.

    and yet, our own government, the one designed to protect our rights and act in our interest, ignores us.

  4. At first i thought that guy was killed in Iran……USA are cowards,they dare bomb IRAN or Russia within its sovereignty.They dont have balls to do that,trust me.

  5. The USA has been murdering people for money since the beginning. Evil evil evil….I pray God will spare the good people here and get rid of the evil ones ,which is our government

  6. This man only think about his self he does not think about his country like he is suppost to as. PRESIDENT OF THIS COUNTRY
    We dont want ww3, we dont were living happily just the way we are
    Ahhhhhh I just want t ok have a good childhood but no Donald Trump has to come and f**k somthing up

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