史蒂芬·波洛茲(Stephen Poloz):我擔心貿易戰升級

加拿大銀行行長史蒂芬·波洛茲(Stephen Poloz)與彭博社(BNN Bloomberg)的阿曼達·朗(Amanda Lang)坐下來,就他對加拿大和全球經濟的前景進行了專訪。

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  1. Serious question….Why can』t no one explain why Quebec is a freeloader. Quebec receives 12 billion of the $19 Equalization Payments like a baby on its mothers lab. How does a 2nd largest province of a country constantly ride on smaller provinces? Smh

  2. When you buy cheap imports based on stolen IP, you are damaging your own country by selling out to jobs and profits controlled by rogue nations overseas. You become a market taker not a market maker. As a market taker you trade off jobs based on stolen IP and the profits and the GNP that brings, for cheap imported goods of questionable quality. You became an addict to the market maker who is the dealer of misery for your people. A country will never grow its wealth by being a dependent market taker. To all the insular thinking extreme lefties out there, you don't grow wealth of your nation by saving money. You grow the wealth of your nation by making money. i.e. investing, creating, producing, marketing, selling, exporting and making profits and of course providing local jobs and income in that process. If you fold over because a rogue nation who's stolen your IP is selling you the stuff back, then that is your future being sold down the drain. You're propping up overseas jobs and national income and national profits at the direct expense of your own nations well being. Basically the west is propping up its own demise, which is why countries like China are laughing at us all the way to the bank and why they can afford to build up their military power, which will eventually threaten the west in a significant way. The west needs to get a lot smarter about this, because on its current trajectory, it's fast becoming historically irrelevant. I do agree however that US and Europe and the rest of the west, must quickly resolve their trade differences, because they are allies and clearly face a far greater threat in the future from the likes of China, especially if they keep squabbling among each-other, because that pays directly into the hands of rogue nations that threaten the west. The west now more than ever must work and gel together, otherwise it will fade into historical irrelevance.

  3. The underlying issues are well beyond trade and market diversification as we all know. What's happening with China is not just between US and China, but the west in general and other Asian nations. China's increased power and assertiveness in South China Sea region, is a threatening to disrupt global order and is generating a high degree of distrust. Of course this is underpinned by growing economic wealth. Yes not easy to negotiate because the US finally has a president with the capacity to negotiate tough towards any nation. Yes the west has been complacent and now they are awakening and acting. Yes there will be turbulent times ahead, but that's normal in such circumstances. This will be a 10 year process. As the fourth industrial revolution industry 4.0 digital additive manufacturing kicks in by around 2025, the game will begin to change and exports, especially from nations relying on slave labor will begin to crash. By 2035 most exports will be high value high end technology. Over time, as product development iteration cycles become shorter, with each passing year, it will simply be less viable for a ship of products to be shipped half way around the world, as by the time they arrive their products will be outdated. JIT additive manufacturing will play a far bigger role close to markets in future. No shipping freight and minimal warehousing. Even China has admitted its growth outlook will shift to domestic demand. The party had to end some time and it's starting to unravel now. The writing is on the wall for major consumer product exporters.

  4. This guy is a turd; I do not understand why he refuses to cut rates; there have been 3 cuts in the US and noting from Poloz. Do not wait for the economy to turn to shit.

  5. Get back to local economics, back when everyone had good paying jobs and next to zero inflation. 50 years ago we did not need to kiss the ass of corrupt Chinese communists. In less than 40 years the Chinese have built a military super power at our expense….about roughly the same time it took us to replace 30 Sea King Helicopters!

  6. There is massive deflation in the tech industry, products drop in price at a mad pace, yet its the most dynamic segment of the economy. Why is deflation ok in the tech sector but bad for the economy as a whole?

  7. You can say job creation all you want, when all it is the government going into further into debt creating these so called jobs because no one wants to invest in Canada there is no private investment in Canada not under the Liberal government.

  8. Everyone just keeps yelling at the shadows with no progress. Someone tell me HOW the money goes from our pockets to the govt then out towards Quebec and other people? Whos responsible for this money and the accounts? How come I am not allowed to see the paper trails? How come people cant ask for the ACTUAL methods and streams where this money goes?

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