
12月30日-自伊朗支持的民兵開始對伊拉克和敘利亞的五個基地發動空襲以來,美國對聯合部隊發動了多次襲擊。彭博社(Bloomberg)的Zainab Fattah報道「彭博黎明(Bloomberg Daybreak):中東」。

  1. Impeachment on 12/18/2019, and starts a war on 1/3/2020. What next? and during an election year, which I find very interesting. I recall a 2011 CNN interview where Trump accused Obama of trying to start a war with Iran to win his upcoming election. And he said " I don't think that's the smart thing to do." He is an Enigma.

  2. Let me guess, we』re taking out all the Middle East dictators who pose a threat to a new currency and putting in a government that will except a new petro dollar?

  3. YouTube: NEVER recommend anything from Bloomberg to me ever again. The only thing I want to see with Bloomberg's traitorous name on it is his toe tag.

  4. I think that president Trump should take the US Troops out of syria and Iran, it's getting too dangerous over there and they deserve to be where it's safe.

  5. US should stop all proxy wars. Just strike Iranian military bases inside Iran. Iranian people will take advantage of the situation and over throw a government how has brought them just misery, poverty and corruption. Mullas are enemy of civilization. Everything that makes people happy in Iran is forbidden.

  6. What do you expect TRUMP to do.. they attacked and killed an American .. his not gonna do a Hillary Benghazi & leave them all to die.. He and his team have dedicated there lives to protecting American citizens .. & he will he is @ whatever the cost. GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS ABROAD & OUR PRESIDENT Mr TRUMP ???

  7. No matter what. The simple fact is that the U.S. conducted attacks on a sovereign country's soil. This is a flagrant disregard -by the U.S.- of Iraqi sovereignty.

  8. There not going to all Iran to build up a invasion force. They aren't going to all Iran to build the same terrorist militia as they have in lebonon , Syria ,Palestine and Yemen.
    We've worked to hard to rebuild a peaceful and prosperous Iraq to allow Iran to set up another destabilizing force in another neighboring country.

  9. Remember, there's a presidential election coming up and the moron and his allies in Congress want to look good and as the moron like to say "Strong". Killing a few brown people will be of zero consideration. Why would the moron not want to make a "response"? The "proxies"? Who is paying her to call them proxies?

  10. Anybody who thinks the domestic or foreign chaos makers will stop if the US doesn』t respond to anything is living in the utopia of their mind. How we respond—and more important—lead is key, of course. But that』s also true for those whose stubborn and tyrannical beliefs don』t square with reality for long.

  11. US dont care of people… they care only for OIL…. sad… only thing should put money is to save the planet and find a good living place from the space when earth is dead

  12. Notice how they never HIGHLIGHT Israels location when showing were these conflicts take place? Amazing how all our conflicts are with nations right near Israel.

  13. How convenient, with impeachment and Senate trial looming, that Trump chooses this particular time to ratchet up some military action. Wag the dog, anyone?

  14. Trump just put the world on notice. If you spill American blood you will pay dearly. 25 killed and over 50 terrorist wounded in this airstrike on Syria. All while China Russia and Iran are conducting exercises. Election year or not Trump will defend America and that's why he has my vote! #Trump2020

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