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#RT(Russia Today)是一個全球新聞網路,從莫斯科,倫敦,巴黎和華盛頓的工作室向100多個國家/地區廣播。 RT是第一個突破YouTube觀看次數10億基準的新聞頻道。 。

  1. Iran z fighting against USA alone so long period. China n Russia must stop sitting on the fence attitude. USA never ever count Russia n China as it's friends as long as these countries have not become slave of USA. Now time has come both for China n Russia to fight along with Iran against USA

  2. My favorite part was they admitted Iran tried to take a British tanker hostage, then Russia and China ran drills with them as a show of force? lol Should we expect China and Russia to start pirating ships? Interesting story.

  3. 什麼時候把美國這隻老鷹宰了?老鷹肉應該很美味吧?烤著吃?還是炸著吃?嗯~乾脆弄成叫花鷹吧,加點孜然、花椒、芝麻應該又脆又嫩又香~

  4. It's funny how all the news anchor for the western media sound similar with their hysteria about Iran. They accuse RT of Russian propaganda but they're the worst. They see no wrong in all the wars started by NATO but are quick to accuse Iran, Russia, China and Syria of provocation.?‍♂️??

  5. Just before the Saudi oil storage drone attack, they announced that the amount of global oil that was being stockpiled was going to cause the price of oil to dramatically drop. This scheme was conjured up so they could achieve their goal, lower the amount of stockpiled oil, with an attack the Saudi gov. Would get an insurance payment on lost oil, the oil would be not added to output numbers therefore not causing the large amount of oil being dumped on the market to cause the price of crude to drop substantially, this way the excess oil that was stockpiled which was what was expected, instead they caused a shortage causing the price of crude to go up. Talk about turning the tables, also explains why my insurance is so high.

  6. Iran beated u.s and soviet union so called first and second world most powerful militaries in Persian gulf, soviet union was the most clever and immediately left Persian gulf after first hit but to this day u.s regime is used to beaten by Iran.

  7. Wrong at 1:59 You said Big protest in IRAN , this is in IRAQ not IRAN. I know that there has been some demonstrations in IRAN but this video is not from there.

  8. Russia & China doing naval exercise with the rogue statr Islamic Republic of Iran??? Reminds me of a nursery rhyme I learned as a kid in kindergarten:
    "There was once a young lady from Riga who rode on the back of a tiger. At the end of the ride, the lady from Riga was inside of the smile of the tiger."

  9. Russia,China and Iran will slowly cut the ways for American Oil.United States will slowly lose thier power on Middle East if they keep up with this policy.Even if they change their policiy, i don't know if i t will change anything because Dragon is woken up and will spit the fire…

  10. Well at least we all know when the Russian aircraft carrier shows up. We can see the trail of smoke from the belching rust bucket… LMAO

  11. You know why Iran is determined to destabilize the region? because Arabs defeated them and ruled Persians on their own land for 5 centuries, changing their religion and alphabets and trade their men and women in slaves market. Good Job Arabs, you can repeat it again with King Salman leadership.

  12. Mr.Javad Zarif nailed it that by putting blame on Iran will not help the situation! We all know the Zionists fund Saudi Arabia and America and they create such attacks, themselves to put blame on Iran and Russia!!!!! Filthy-Zionist propaganda!!!!!

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