
在過去的一年中,美國和伊朗之間的關係惡化了。美國國務卿邁克·蓬佩奧宣布了對政府官員的新一輪制裁,旨在向伊朗政府施加壓力,以制止對示威者的虐待和拘留。制裁只是兩國之間緊張局勢如何加劇的一個例子。萊昂內爾·多諾萬(Lionel Donovan)解釋。


  1. Why no word from the so called champions of human and religious rights against the Indian CAA and NRC. Also no word about the brutal crack down of peaceful protests by the Indian police with several reported deaths. Worst of double standards.

  2. Actually some of the protesters were well-trained and armed people who shot at the police or even the protesters and even burnt ambulances to increase the number of dead people. Erdugan gave Iran a list of 2500 Iranians who went to Turkey with the Saudi money, then from Turkey they went to Erbil in Iraq to be trained in a military base by US forces. They were ready for this situation. And they were funded by Saudi and UAE. Erdugan knew and warned Iran about this because in the coup led by U.S, Saudi and UAE that happened in Turkey, iran gave Erdugan really important information and Iran was the first country which condemned the coup, so Erdugan returned the favour and warned Iran about the plan of these countries to destabilize Iran.
    Turkey and Iran should be united against the evil plans of U.S.A, Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE.
    As they did in Malaysia. Because they know that these countries cant attack Iran and Turkey, so they want to bring these too to their knees by sanctions and importing guns and creating destabilization

  3. Saudi Arabia is killing and dismimbering journalists and then dissolve them in acid at a diplomatic place, beheading or crucifying its own people even children on the streets. It also kills 1 Yemmeni kid every 12 minutes by bombing them and starving them to death and supports every terrorist group on the face of the planet. But there is no talk about human rights in Saudi corrupt murderous dictatorship which is literally a criminal tribe running a country.
    Because as Trump said:
    "Saudi Arabia has nothing but cash"

  4. Iran,China,and Russia are about to waste Billions of their citizens money. Burn oil,eat rocks,starve to death. Who will stab who in the neck first?

  5. Okay, for those who don't understand, it's like this.

    US sanctions Iran, forcing Iran to raise gas prices, which causes protesters to go out in the streets, making Iranian police crack down on protesters, leading to the US blaming Iran for abusing freedoms, while tightening sanctions further to strain Iran's economy, which will lead to more protests and crackdowns, and even more blame and punishment by the US.

    Good God, it's a never-ending cycle.

    Anyone who has even a basic understanding of international politics knows that this is the United States trying to topple the Iranian regime again.

  6. Pompeo is disgusting, it talks about the lack of human rights in Iran … but it doesn't talk about the atrocities Israel commits about the Palestinian people, it doesn't talk about the atrocities that the Saudi Arabian government commits about its own people and against the people. from Imen. This US government disgusts me

  7. Countries  ended up in wars because of direct or indirect American intervention.
    The USA is a gangland run by bunch of gangsters and criminal regime in white house and dangerous to the world peace and security.

  8. Pompous is so repugnant a person ….One who boasted to lie cheat and steal as a matter of course….now giving lessons to others….hubris without limits

  9. Americans keep mocking Iran just bcoz they never got a chance to mistreat them as they have done with Iraq, Syria, Afghanistsn, Pakistan, Japan during WWII, and many of the Central American nations like Cuba and Puerto Rico !!

  10. Really ? For Abuse of human rights ? What about Israel ? It's abusing Human Rights since the dawn of time, infact US is helping Israel in doing that, stop your bluff and come to the point Pimp-eo ! You're interested in the Iranian Oil reserves !!!

  11. Mike Pompeo stop with the BS. Don't forget your name will be written in history as a liar.
    Iran's government is not good but most of their actions are because of US doings.

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