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  1. Those are brainless mobs. They are stupid and they don』t even know what democracy is. The normal Hong Kong people have no democracy and no freedom now because of those mobs!

  2. I totally agree with you. Further, I am from The Netherlands, I am an English teacher in central Taiwan (Taichung). Over here in 'democratic Taiwan' I am not even allowed to have a neutral position in the Hong Kong case. If I don't hate China and agree with the opinion that the rioters in Hong Kong are right, they label me as a communist lover. Students in class scream: "I hate China!", and I am not allowed to simply ask "Why?". Asking this fundamental question is 'talking about politics' according to the majority of their Taiwanese teachers. The History and Social Studies teachers, however, are allowed to shout out how bad China is and why. My 16 year old son had a Facebook conversation with a business woman in Shenzhen, the next day the whole conversation was erased. The Taiwanese government removes information from social media they deem 'fake news'; if they don't agree with something produced by an inhabitant of Taiwan on the Internet, they easily put the label 'fake' on the information. Taiwan is not a bad place to live in, and the schools I am teaching at are nice in general, but they have to learn a thing or two about democracy, freedom of speech and sincere, unbiased fact finding.

  3. Funny sir i never got sick at all in Asia and i tell you i eat from the gutter sometimes! (uuh thats not because i not have the cash or the place to go.. i hang out with poor poeple sometimes… like you … we have a heart and we gotto do what we gotto do, where some white guys go drink and a bar with white friends i be sitting in the gutter with some locals to see if i can help them a bit or make them feel stronger and more proud about themselfs). Oh but i am SCARED SHIT of these kamikaze mosquito's!! Did you also notice the insects in asia work harder and go faster than the ones in our cold west????

  4. I very Seldom hear anything about Hong-Kong in the US news .i only even hear about this from Youtubers most Americans don't have a clue what's going on in Hong-Kong are other countries they really don't Most US citizens don't know what's going on in their own city .

  5. Hi Gweilo: Tell me something please. How come you are allowed access to YouTube when you are inside PRC while ordinary people in China get arrested for just peeking the channel using vpn? You seem to get your info exclusively from the State Media which is nothing but a propaganda mouth piece. I hope you visit HK to gauge the reality of the city and do another clip afterwards. It's only a one hour flight from Nanning.
    Do you know that during Cultural Revolution thousands in Nanning were massacred by troops and the guilty ones are still at large? Do you know that in Wuxuan county of Guangxi innocent people were butchered and the communists ate their flesh and organs only because they were viewed as 'class enemies? Still, few were punished for this horrendous crime against humanity. Nanning is a lovely place not because of the Communist government but the people of Nanning who worked to build their city despite the existence of the Commies. It would have been a much better place if China is free from the shackles of CCP.
    Of course you are entitled to your views and opinions. But would people whose view differ from yours be entitled to theirs too in PRC?

  6. You will get a good record on the China social app and will have some points to diffuse propaganda! It is obvious that during the second world war you will be a traitor on the side of whoever is the most powerful, selling the life of others in order to not get into trouble! You are talking about those violent rioters that put fire to a man so 1 this is the act of one person not all of them, 2 why don't you talk about what the man was doing before he gets on fire, attacking the "rioters" with a metal stick, 3 why don't you talk about all those mainlanders attacking the students, driving on them with cars, stabbing many of them and bitting the ear of an HK Conseil member, those triads members attacking hundreds of student with stick and machetes, also the really violent of the police, but no, you are talking about this poor government that wasn't elected by the people of HK and other butt lickers like you. So now that HK people have been voted last Sunday and the party close to the demonstrators won about 90% of the seats in a historic election in term of the number of the voter (never seen before) so HK people are on the side of demonstrators so you will say they are all thugs! I live here since 91 and I know what HK people want and to say it is brainwashed by US or UK is just as stupid as your comments, HK people want to remain free from CCP, they don't mind to be Chinese citizen but they want to keep their freedom it is simple to understand. I will not be surprised to see you removing my comment as you seem to not respect other opinions than the one told by Beijing!

  7. I don』t think the riots are going to be finished. The rioters haven』t got what they want. They want to control HK Government. Wait and see.

  8. Heh man ! I don't know what to say to you , Gweilo. I really admire you for all the things you say especially from the point of view of a Westerner. Hongkong needs to go down in order to learn. People are still supporting these fuckers it's so hard to believe the result of the election few days ago despite all the things happened in the last 6 months . I guess nobody can wake them up except themselves….Thanks . You're the Man.

  9. If I were a Hong Kong person, I』d probably feel this way to the 『protesters』. The HK government enacts a BR Act just like in 『Battle Royale』, a 2000 AD Japanese film. Then, send them to a no-man』s island and there they play a deadly survival game- kill each other left and right-just like in the film.

  10. The world envies the achievements of the Peoples Republic of China, a country acting in the best interests of its citizens. Activists in Hong Kong despise an opportunity to launch their nation to even greater heights. They wish to vote for politicians that promise to make the mainland pay the bill. Hong Kong is a welfare state in which 60% of rents are subsidized. Voting is a process that by halting use of the land resource facilitates redemption of the earth and the increase that it yields by the chosen few to whom it was promised by enacting policies that exterminate themselves. Building upwards instead of outwards places the lifetime earnings of citizens into the hands of the international socialists turning a nation into a vassal.

    The Communist party of China is actually national socialist. Endless campaigns over the past half century decry national socialism, as evil, in which the effort of its citizens benefits their own country instead of being shunted to the chosen few.

    The ulterior motive of communism in Russia, employed as a proxy by the International Socialists, was to transform Russia from a nation of family residences into high-rises. The lifetime earnings of citizens are grasped by the chosen few instead of accruing to their own country turning it into a perpetual debtor and effectively preventing it from ever becoming a great nation.

    Iran was rapidly becoming the wealthiest, most advanced, most powerful and most influential nation in its region. A spurious campaign that it was becoming too cozy with the International Socialists sent it packing back to the seventh century. Mullahs in Iran bear a kinship to the Prophet that control the Persians at the local level. International Socialists and their cousins have this nation firmly in their clutches.

    Citizens of Canada voted to put a halt to the use of the land resource justified on a variety of spurious pretexts causing prices to skyrocket. Thousands of homeless in each city with a thousand deaths each month. By building upwards and putting an end to single family residences in a nation in which land is a resource of extravagant abundance, places the lifetime earnings of citizens into the hands of the chosen few preventing present and subsequent generations from ever becoming established. Australia is part of the movement that suffers the same fate. Homelessness is rapidly becoming a standard feature of life in America.

    Now, China with its forest of high-rises is a desirable plum well worth plucking from the tree. Imagine the bounteous wealth that may be extracted from the Chinese once they play into the hands of the International Socialists.

    The millenium has arrived.


    Public officials spurn Christianity and pay obeisance to the Cremation Cult, faking belief² so that they will not be characterized deniers. This is now a standard feature of life for both young and senior adults in democratic nations.–CAZYk and/or

    ² Miraculous cremation: Nine thousand corpses (maximum daily) laid out head to toe in single file form a line 9 miles long and take 900 tons of coal to reduce to ashes. (Some sources cite a daily quota of 25,000 forming a line 25 miles long and requiring 2500 tons of coal for incineration.) A line of corpses 6250 miles long (total) requires 600,000 tons of coal to reduce to ashes. Excluding those shipped east of the Urals that did not die and ancestors from several generations back that were already dead leaves a discrepancy of greater than 5,950,000. Published figures for Europe reveal that a population of 8,939,608 in 1939 grew to 9,372,666 by 1945 for a net increase of 422,058 persons. The six million campaign first attempted after WWI quickly faltered when it was revealed that this figure equated to or exceeded the entire population of this people, all of whom were alive and well, but was launched again with saturation coverage following WWII. Denial is unlawful and prompted by its inquisition unbelievers are subject to imprisonment. A shrewd ploy to justify exemption from Agenda 21.

    ¹¹ The great replacement: 「The elder shall serve the younger.」 [Genesis, ch. 25, v. 23.] 「And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger…」 [Genesis, ch. 17, v. 8.] From Morocco, Turkey and elsewhere the heirs of Ishmael and Esau arrive to claim their inheritance. Giving thanks to their Maker for this bountiful gift they are advocating for Sharia Law in Great Britain, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, and throughout Europe.

    The conflict being staged between the heirs of the elder and the younger spellbind a gullible public. They are kin. Relations fight. But blood is thicker than water. In the final analysis relatives divide the spoils, as they did for 700 years when Muslims invaded Spain, before they were driven out and their cousins were expelled. Neither side of the family will forsake The Promise. Possession of the Earth abides with them. Each knows its destiny and engages in complementary worship: The former prays in private five times daily, while the latter through mass media publicly proselytizes nations and kindred, peoples and tongues, and unbelievers into adopting its veritable fantasy with an unrelenting campaign at dawn, morning, noon, dusk and night, seven days a week, ad nauseum.

    ¹² At the Altar of the Sun (Jerusalem) that was already ancient in his time where Abraham sought a blessing, human beings were sacrificed during the fire ceremony each spring to this god, an incorrigible bloodthirsty tyrant, which was reputed to favour justice and righteousness that was proclaimed the Supreme Being. This spirit that was derived from and sustained and empowered by human sacrifice, unlike that derived from animal sacrifice that led the medicine man to the herd during the annual hunt, facilitated the intrigues of its proponents in their quest for more power. Abraham was fabulously wealthy, ostensibly a just man and his son whom he loved dearly was his most precious possession. But so egoistic and selfish was he that when put to the test revealed that he was prepared to slit the throat of his own son in order to inherit the Earth and the increase that it yields.

    ²¹ Jesus was fully cognizant that the provenance of this grasping spiritual entity at Jerusalem that is a curse perpetrated by bloodshed was human sacrifice:

    「And the devil, taking him up into the high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give unto thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me: and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.」 — Luke, ch. 4, v. 5-8.

  11. L?VE to see a collapsing HK, because i don』t like their personality, you know, they get mad easily over teeny weeny things, and they love screaming / snapping / shouting, very unpleasant people, not mellow.

    They should sleep in even smaller beds lol, if you call that a bed lmao ?

  12. It is ridiculous that funds and organizations that support the riots are legal in Hong Kong. Hong Kong does not have any Law to punish the traitors as well.

  13. I hope that all these freaky vandals and criminals soon should be arrested and jailed… Including the CIA and MI5 agents that are there to push over the riot and protests. Tell the truth guy! There are western powers behind all these so-called protest for freedom!

  14. Joshua Wong is an evil person who used the younger generation to destroy their own city. His political lust is so obviously revealed to everyone who knows the truth of democracy.

  15. i agree with you!! fellow chinese over here, just subscribed and started binge watching your channel! Keep up the good work im loving these videos

  16. I really like watching your videos. guitar cover song.What do you think about this.Thank you for being friends with music.s

  17. Gweilao, it's difficult for me to donate using an overseas card. it will charge a fee larger than the amount itself every time. Maybe other kind people face similar situation. Why don't you open a bank account that people can directly transfer donation once for all?

  18. 前幾天的兩件事在媒體揭露,對港台投下震撼彈,一位是替英國領事館工作的青年鄭文傑說他在被公安拘留期間被虐待刑求!前兩天中共"間諜"王先生在澳洲自曝從前在香港與台灣的秘密操縱活動,說銅鑼灣書店合夥人五位合夥人被抓就是他們策劃的!這對許多港台民眾也是大影響。

  19. Under Britain control, Hong Kong never have much freedom, because the government not Permit any Demonstration like this, yes, you may have any activity, as long as under your roof, not on the street, take look at the history of Britain, many colonies declared from Britain Because no democracy, not too many countries has democracy in to-days world, also Hong Kong, upper-class people live some western-style at home, when there go down to the street back to old Chinese style, rest of people live all Chinese style, What is Chinese style? there live by the culture, ten commandments and more, most of the people are very peaceful, How Britain control people in Hong Kong, high-up government are British, they pressure Chinese workers to control rest of Chinese workers, also Hong Kong has many outlaw gamesters, each area has their own members, many polices are members, just like N.Y.C. that's how they control each other, In the early 50th, our neighbors will tell us off when we do not behave on the street, How about now? Good luck! same way in Hong Kong today, many other organizations help and encourage young people to riot and make trouble for Hong Kong, sad for parents!

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