
半島電視台的約翰·亨德倫(John Hendren)從芝加哥報道。


#AljazeeraEnglish #USChina #TradeWar。

  1. He is a real genius, he single handedly bring down the entire world economy within a period of just 3 years. Soon he will start the 3rd world war after all the sanction on China failed, just wait and see

  2. Real American is the present president of USA working 24 hours for the benefit of usa for 1 dollar salary per year. Keep it up mr president may God bless you.??

  3. spy trains! lmao holy, can't believe this isn't a joke. next they should ban China made frying pan because they're spy pans and designed to steal American's recipes

  4. USA you morons are hanging yourselves !! americans will find out how much they need China decay america . usa love homeland China !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! …………

  5. This is relatively a very small project for china . They will happily take it elsewhere and then america can spend twice as much buying from elsewhere

  6. As long as China loose more jobs than US. Trump would claim it a victory. American is winning again and again until you got so tired.

  7. The way political elites behave, one has impression that education system in US in made for foreigners and not for US citizens, except the rich, super rich and extremely super rich…as the masses lack the anchor to judge what is beneficial for them or US, they follow the most loud voice, is it palabra stupid or not, who judges…for the voting masses it is all the same.

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