

斯凱的外交編輯多米尼克·瓦格霍恩(Dominic Waghorn)與沙烏地阿拉伯前任英美大使Turki al Faisal親王講話。






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  1. In 67 years Saudi Arabia will run out of oil, we are just wasting time till they run out and end up cutting our grass and washing our dishes.
    They can』t do it today because they are under the age of 10.
    But soon very soon.

  2. That map of the arabian peninsula before Saudia Arabia existed just after WW1.with the arabian gulf?
    Is the arabian sea called the Persian sea nowadays?

  3. The truth is that no one has listen to the Saudi whose the puppet of zionest and no one will ever listen to them. First they should protect their oil factory.

  4. Trump said: "Saudi Arabia has nothing but cash"
    But he is wrong
    Saudi Arabia is a industrialized country and it is exporting a single product.
    Its product is terrorism in all kinds and shapes: Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, Bukuharam, ….
    So Actually Saudi Arabia is a terrorist factory! ????

  5. Iran's regime is a terrorist regime there there is no doubt but Saudi Arabia is also a terrorist regime .both of them are guilty in creating war in middle east.but why this two brutal and murderous regime are in power in middle east ?answer is usa. usa never was in people's side usa don't care about democracy in middle east what it want? Just its own economic benefits.usa needs a regime like iran to sell its weapons to saudi arabia.usa needs a regime like iran to by sanctioning it prevents progress in this region why? Because more advanced nations have less need to american goods.

  6. Iranians/Persians are far more intelligent than their Arab neighbors. Frankly.
    I would much rather ally with Iran, a country with real history, and who fought ISIS than Saudi Arabia.
    Saudi Arabia financed ISIS. Russia and Iran defeated ISIS.

  7. It is all Israel ordering these stories. Sky news gets a press release from Israeli intelligence to constantly portray Iran as the cause of problems. Israel is to blame for all middle east wars.

  8. Usa + Israel + Al-Saud are the source of the problems in the Middle East.
    The only objective is to create a vacuum around Israel with a long-established plan to destroy or overthrow regimes in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran so that Isrël can get their hands on the south of Lebanon, the Golan. Here we are. Iran resists. Iranian nuclear is the cinemas for disarmed Iran. Iran must do what it has to do.

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