如果伊朗發動襲擊,黎巴嫩將面對以色列的憤怒-TV7 Israel News 16.12.19


3)巴西已正式在該市開設了一個新的貿易和投資促進局,並標誌著該特派團就職典禮是巴西利亞打算將其駐以色列大使館從特拉維夫遷至耶路撒冷的第一步。#IsraelNews#tv7israelnews #newsupdates

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  1. The big problem for Iran is they use proxies to do their fighting so much so that the Iranian troops are inexperienced , poorly commanded and weak . Typical Iran use Lebanon and Hezbollah to launch an attack because they know they are too weak to do it and want deniability . I just wonder how long it will take for Lebanon to wake up to the fact it's being used up by Iran and stop doing Iran's dirty work because it's killing Lebanon .

  2. Why do you misinform the public? The iranians have nothing against the Jewish state. Persians saved the Jews from slavery in 500bc. Read the old testimate. Iranians also let Jews live in iran during the holocaust.

  3. Lebanon has been an Anti-Ysroel country since the "Mufti" ….
    Both catholic and muslims hate and seek the destruction of Ysroel …

  4. That Iranian General has lost his mind. We don't condone violence, but if he thinks Iran will strike Israel, and the Jews will not retaliate, he is wasting his time talking all that jazz, secondly Israel can destroy Iran from right with in Israel. Israel has missiles that reaches Iran, and Israel has advance technology then Iran, so that General needs to shut his mouth and be quiet

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