
在與警察的緊張對峙中,約有100名支持民主的抗議者被關在香港大學內。他們周一與莫洛托夫(Molotov)雞尾酒,彈射器和弓箭戰鬥,與警察發生衝突後,他們正面臨著嚴峻的條件。 Ramy Inocencio報告。

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  1. If the rioters werent stopped the whole of hk will become like that campus- unliveable in.
    Doesnt mean you dont need to have responsibility just bcos you have freedom. freedom is to be used responsibly, if you cant, it should be taken away for everyones safety.

  2. The universities are the hotbed of violent rioting youth, and petrol bombs weapons factories. The students are stupid enough to give the police an excuse to raid the universities and close down these riot headquarters and round them up in one blow. It certainly have reduced their rioting capability and might very well be the last battle.

  3. Today』s headlines, the Hong Kong police hit the people of Hong Kong with real guns, and all over the world talked about it.

  4. HongKong students are against evil China Dictatorship communism The one communism have to arrest and die multiple citizen let free alive as it was leave them alone Stupid CHINA

  5. For western media, using molotov, throwing bricks to cops, beat up people who has different opinion is not OK in China. But police is ok to shot you just because you pushing them in US. Stop calling democracy, when you have double standards toward people .

  6. Praying for them will do nothing. Hong Kong's allies fail to give them aid simply because they fear China economically bullying them.

  7. Two guys left felt 「DOWN, VERY DOWN」, NOT 「DONE」, propaganda? I wonder if the old guy set on fire was real? Or were the people who set fire to him really protesters? (We call those provocateurs and false flags here in the states, used to reach a desired atmosphere or action, or excuse for an action as a result).

  8. Viva la resistance!! Good for those wannabe semi-free people, and I can fully understand their disdain and distrust of the heavy handed COMMUNIST TYRANNY THAT IS ABOUT TO BEFALL THEM, and just think, theres people here in America who are stupid enough to demand an end to their own freedoms in favor of installing a communist regime, tsk tsk tsk, those poor, fully indoctrinated, pitiful, foolish, maggot pukes… just sayin

  9. time to pay up laddies 🙂 prison is awaiting you. and when you come out after ten years of more you will have to pay lifelong for the damage you inflicted. good luck for you!

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