
荷蘭財政部長霍普斯特拉(Wopke Hoekstra)表示,不利的經濟氣候「將以犧牲荷蘭的經濟為代價」。 。

  1. Too Bad Europe!!! You sit back and watch this bullshit as the USA gets hit with Billions in Taxes before this tRade shit happened! Guess what Europe if the USA stops trading for One Day with Europe – You will see Mad Max! Europe raised the cost of French wine, Italian cheese? wtf – We need nothing from Europe! Period!

  2. Europe export to China, China export to the US, the US stop buying from China, China stop buying from Europe. Clearly Europe is the biggest loser here.

  3. Ohhh poor Europe. Europe is already loosing to China. It should be thankful for this global economic unraveling and restructure. It finally has a chance now. No excuses. Europe, become a market maker, not a market taker. Same applies to the rest of the west. In terms of industrial market capitalization and consumers, the reality is that if you want to make money and grow your economy, you have to be a market maker and not a market taker. Market makers invest and make profits to reinvest in growth. Market takers simply buy cheap and nasty imported goods at whatever the market price demands and save some money, for trade off in quality and forgone profit opportunity, that's owned by the market makers and profit takers. If you want to grow your economy, you have to predominantly be a market maker and not a market taker. For decades the USA and the west in general have been market takers and not a market makers, in terms of balance of trade. Quite simply the west cannot sustain its market taker trading position in the long term, as it's profit taking and hence economic growth will dramatically shrink and hence so will their economies, employment and their economic and geo-strategic power. To put this more simply, comparatively speaking, you simply don't make money of any significance, by saving money. You make money by investing money, creating, producing, selling and taking profits and reinvesting profits to grow your business and your economy and jobs and of course buying power. You make money by growing your economy as a market maker and not shrinking it by being a market taker. Market takers are shrinking violets that think they are well off by getting cheap goods and services, however in reality they are sowing the seeds of the demise of their own income and hence economic wealth. The key to a nations wealth is gaining export income and making profits from that income. If you're not in that position of market maker, you are always running in second place and that has a cumulative effect over decades, where you erode your own income earning capacity and hence economic wealth. That is why it is always more lucrative, especially in the long run, to be a market maker and NOT a market taker. Wealth accumulates wealth, not the other way around. On a macro scale, industrial market makers understand this golden rule. If you want to increase your long term buying power, you absolutely must be a market maker and not a market taker. This means you have to export far more than you import.

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