
11月18日-為期兩天的大學包圍行動席捲了香港,令人擔憂數百名抗議者遭到流血鎮壓,他們仍然被困在被警察包圍的校園中。與此同時,美國國務卿邁克爾·龐培表示,美國對香港日益嚴重的暴力事件感到“嚴重關切”,並呼籲行政長官林鄭月娥對抗議事件進行獨立調查。喬迪·施耐德(Jodi Schneider)報告。 。

  1. Mike Pompeo, you are a double speaker. Don't bother and don't pretend you concern. You concern Hong Kong police will kill your lackeys. Bugger off, and get lost. Double headed snake

  2. Even if the violent expression by HK protesters as being wrong, doesn』t it negate the message as well being wrong? Who wants to live under an increasingly authoritarian regime?

  3. Since the rioting started 6 mths ago, US has had many ppl shot dead in either schools or public places . In contrast ,
    the HK riots has so far resulted in 2 dead casualties. Mr Pompeo should ask what restrictions on HKers' freedom
    n democracy that has given rise to the so-called demand for freedom and democracy since 1997, and what has
    prompted some demonstrators waving and carrying US flags , and asking US intervention.

  4. Rioters round up and beat fellow students who refuse to join them. Set garbages on fires to prevent police from entering the school after they threatened to burn down the campus! Should this be in US riot police would have bulldozed the barricade and shoot their way into the school in 30 minutes. So much for the CIA directed so-called pro-democracy pro-human right peaceful demonstrations.????

  5. the free world keep talking about democracy for their best behalf. Damn it does not have any reaction against the tyranny that try to kill the democracy of Hongkong

  6. Vietnam is very very concerned about what is happening in Hong Kong. In the SCS and how China is treating Muslims with over a million locked up. And their families have been locked up

  7. US Senate passing a Bill to support these young monsters ( apparently paid by CIA , as usual ) to destroy HK
    infrastructures n transports , but ignores Trump recognizing Israeli's occupation of Palestinian land and Pompeo
    making no comments on Palestinian unrests for the last 60 yrs . Sounds like a joke and a farce for a country
    which supposedly champion ' freedom and democracy ' !!

  8. Every chaos in the world is caused by the evil empire, anything P says will only confirm the international community suspicions of the evil empire.

  9. Pompeo still talks as if the world doesn't know USA is behind this. Pompeo needs China News to boost his political rise. You all want to contain China and profit off China. You don't even try to hide your intentions these days.

  10. Xi jinping is a dictator not an elected president with a maximum term. He is the leader of the Chinese Communist Party and has zero interest in Hong Kong having democracy. By portraying him as we would understand an elected official you are practicing in fake news

  11. Westerners: Show me a single police brutality in a case of protests or riots in modern day
    Also Westerners: ChiNa CCP kiLLeD thOuSands In TiAnmen sQuarE mAssaCre. WhiCh HapPenEd mAny YEarS aGo.

  12. These people know about the 1989 massacre in Beijing and are still there! Beijing's pseudo-communists have an unsolvable problem! The box of Pandora is open …????????

  13. Hong kong rioters had drop air messages to others to recruit and gather people outside the school district to cause enough of an up roar so cops would have to focus on another situation than have all the kids trapped in the school.

    It worked. Two huge pools of rioters split behind the big riot in the college area, and police had to pull back.

    Kids try to run across in a mass exodus.

    to make it back to their families.

  14. The title should be: Hundreds trapped in Hong Kong Siege because US doesn't have balls to give these protesters green card.

  15. 「&^3 エジプトに雪が降るかもしれない」
    It might snow in Egypt.

    If I fell in love with someone. Aside from joking, I noticed that I was investigating Russia, Egypt, nuclear power and religion.

    About Bible Pagans.

    “ Οἴδατε ὅτι ὅτε ἔθνη ἦτε πρὸς τὰ εἴδωλα τὰ ἄφωνα ὡς ἂν ἤγεσθε ἀπαγόμενοι. ''

    You remember that when you were still pagan, you were invited and taken to an idol that you couldn't say. If you read the words and spirits in the Bible sentence that follows, change them to 「why」, you will see a different meaning. Corinthian letter.

    The reason why it works for each person is to benefit the whole. Is n』t it amazing?

    I found it and I am a pagan, and if I name it anagram, it becomes a demon.




    「Οἴδατε ὅτι ὅτε ἔθνη ἦτε πρὸς τὰ εἴδωλα τὰ ἄφωνα ὡς ἂν ἤγεσθε ἀπαγόμενοι.」





    Remix "Sexmachine" James Brown" 【和訳】Madeon – All My Friends

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