


  1. He probably was there for journalism/academic research. The people of Iran deserve to be heard and their country still has plenty to offer culturally and academically. Just look at the state of human rights abuses right now: Hundreds dead and plenty of states without internet access because of protests against the gov. Without foreign visitors, we wouldn』t have many reports on Iran neither would Iranians have many ways to express their thoughts. Blame the gov who held a loving father without presenting proof for 3 years. Don』t blame the father who dared to visit a forgotten country.

  2. Even Trump called Iranian scientist a hostage , so the US took hostage an Iranian in return ..lol. It was a hostage exchange trade ..

  3. I don』t go to the wrong part of town after dark, while this fella carefully plans, hops on a plane and then lands in a country that is hostile to the U.S. Street smarts > book smarts.

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