
在香港理工大學,大約一百名精疲力盡,迷失方向的年輕男女被推倒,警察和激進分子之間展開了激戰。 (訂閱:




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  1. Como la policia de china no le mete bala a eso manifestantes …en bolivia los policias y militares metieron bala a ciudadanos nadie dice nada y no habia periodistas internacionales …

  2. remember as you are being beaten unjustifiably, god loves you and jesus died for your sins ! god is coming on a cloud. you must forgive your oppressors, love your enemies and embrace communism !! god is coming on a cloud, turn the other cheek when they hit you in the face with a baton !!! read the bible . the bible your first oppressors gave you !

  3. I think all people of the world should do something for a better world regardless race or religion. This happened when there are no justice and too ego to accept fault and change. Every single issues in this world have solutions provided, we as human must think and discuss the solutions in peace and justice.

  4. If they want democracy I say let them have it the government of China is stupid thinking they can take down these protesters with overwhelming force but as long as there is hope and one protestor still standing people will rise up against this totalitarian government

  5. hold on it's not a war zone. The students and terrorists destroyed the University. The police have not enter the building. They flooding the the library destroyed all the books in the library!!!!!

  6. Watching this is amazing and actually something to get behind! Instead of these snowflakes that cry every time Trump says something stupid

  7. Wait.. so every Saturday I drive by this university to get to my classes, and didn』t even know that there were still protestors in the university at that time. There were usually makeshift walls surrounding the university, and there are always random people outside peeking into it.

  8. There is nothing wrong with peaceful demonstrations, but Hong Kong people who despise separatist countries are terrorism in the new era.

  9. They are fighting back! Good for them. Good example of why the second amendment is a good thing. China wouldn't even try this kinda thing, nor the police if citizens are armed. An Armed society is safe from the government, a disarmed society is bent by the will of the government.
    This reporter was a moron.

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