美中貿易戰加劇了全球經濟放緩– IMF

國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)敦促美國和中國宣布達成新的部分貿易協議,因此應謹慎行事。 Larrea Wealth Management的Aquiles Larrea與Scottie Nell Hughes共同討論了中美貿易戰。他指出,與特朗普總統的預期相反,公司沒有大批返回美國。


在您所在的地區找到RT America:http://rt.com/where-to-watch/


  1. This Russian government's state funded "news network" RT News is so comical to me, they would love to convince the whole world that the US has become a declining power, the US dollar is not the world's number one reserve currency, that the Chinese Yuan is and that all next generation high-tech in this planet is now being indigenously innovated in China.

    It seems laughable to me watching RT news coverage of the Hong Kong demonstrations making real hard efforts to protrait the pro-democracy movement as being demonstrations of people "experiencing economic hardship" confusing democracy with "economic prosperity" whilst at the same time accusing the demonstrators of being manipulated and funded by Western intelligent services including the CIA.
    I told myself "well which one is it? Are they confused demonstrators experiencing economic hardship or manipulated puppets of the West?" LOL!
    At the end I just said to myself what an insult to the Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrators. Portraying them of not being intelligent enough to organize themselves and accusing them of not knowing their own cause.

    It's extraordinarily unbelievable the claims networks like RT news and CGTN from China make and how far they're willing to go to misinform their domestic population and now International audiences through their multilingual news branches wich most governments where they operate consider them "Kremlin and Beijing propaganda outlets" rather than legitimate and credible news networks.

    If such claims were true, 90% of all foreign business transactions worldwide would not be conducted in US dollars.
    And that is just one statistic. 61% of all world foreign currency reserves are in dollars. According to the international monetary fund.
    Eclipsing the next 4 other currencies put together with the Euro at 20%, the Japanese Yen at over 5% the British pound at just under 5% with the Chinese Yuan last under 2%.
    The Chinese Yuan has not replaced the USD and won't be replacing it anytime soon:


    China has made great progress modernizing itself and deserves credit for it. With new high-tech hub cities like Shenzhen attempting to rival Silicon Valley.
    Keyword "attempting to". In addition to Shenzhen, Tel Aviv Israel, Tallinn Estonia, Melbourne Australia and Toronto Canada are also considered cities rivaling Silicon Valley:

    But that isn't the important story. 90 – 95% of all the high-tech in China has been imported from abroad, rebranded and falsely claimed to have been innovated indigenously. In other words "invented in China". Through various means raging from forced tech transfers, intellectual property and Trade secrets theft by either cyber attacks on foreign competitor's databases, corporate spying and bribery.

    The list of companies whose intellectual property and trade secrets were stolen is so vast it couldn't be compiled in this article alone. But here are some important ones:
    AMSC – Wind Turbine technology
    Westinghouse – Nuclear technology
    Solar World – Solar panel technology
    Kawasaki Heavy Industries – High-Speed rail technology
    US Steel – Steel Technology
    Alcoa – Aluminium Technology
    Micron – Semiconductor Technology
    T-Mobile, Motorola, Cisco Systems and Nortel Networks – Wireless and Telecommunications Technology

    It's for these masterful intelligence operations expanding 2-3 decades, that I give China most credit for.

    As to whether American is a declining power or not depends on how a state's power is measured but most importantly how it's perceived, individually and collectively by other nations.
    What you personally believe, What region of the world you're in, which language you speak and what sources of information you have access to is actually more important than any public survey taken or any official state statistic or international ranking.
    But a most recent survey conducted by 2019 Best countries and multiple other organizations surveyed 20,000 individuals from 4 different regions around the world. And when asked to name the most powerful countries in the world taking into consideration military, political and economic influence the US came in first followed by Russia with China surprisingly in 3rd place.

    To summarize, in this modern day in age of false news, state propaganda and politically biased misinformation campaigns the most important thing is to no longer depend on a single source of information but multiple sources of information.

    During my research I've compiled a list of reliable international news sources with at least an "attempt to report the news with limited bias" and report verified news with some degree of neutrality.
    My most reliable news and information sources list is:
    DW News (Germany)
    PBS (U.S.)
    Al Jazeera (Qatar)
    BBC News (UK)
    France 24 (France)
    Wikipedia (US) in 285 languages.

    Additionally here is a list of most unreliable, bias and heavily censored state funded international news organizations fiercely criticized for attempting to further domestic political propaganda abroad:
    RT News (Russia)
    CGTN (China)
    CCTV (China)
    TRT News (Turkey)
    HispanTV / IRIB (Iran)

    Finally, the following is a list I felt also needed to be compiled as it merits mentioning. News organizations that despite being politically biased, do report real news and events although be it spined to fit their narrative. But also exclude important and relevant news topics and/or allocate limited coverage to further their in-house political agendas:
    TRT News (Turkey)
    CNN News (US Far-left)
    Fox News (US Far-right)
    MSNBC News (US Far-Left)
    Sky News Australia (Far-right)

    For more information I recommend visiting the following websites:

  2. International monitory fun? Where do they get thier money? Who gives them control? What country are they located in? Fractional reserve lending is a con game.

  3. This isn't rocket science. Anything that increases the wealth inequality, either locally or globally, decreases the purchasing power of the majority of the people. Once the purchasing power of the people are brought down to near zero, the global economy will collapse. Doing an economic reset of all global debt will do nothing to solve the problem. The only solution is to drastically reduce the wealth inequality and rebuild the purchasing power of the people. The purchasing power of the people is the only thing that has kept the economy going since Capitalism began. The more the purchasing power of the people, the stronger the economy was.

  4. How US Tech Giants Copy China


    // But arguably the most covetable trend in China is the most basic: education. China last year produced roughly nine times as many graduates in science, technology, engineering and mathematics as the US. Even allowing for China』s bigger population, it still punches heavily above its weight, suggesting lots of room for many more innovations to be birthed in China. //

    // NiceCanadian
    I was shopping at a local grocery store, when the cashier hold up a scanner ready to scan my QR code, I told her I am paying with cash, she was rather surprised that someone is still using cash.

    Chinese Live Oversea Sep 18, 2017
    … My friends laughed at me when I still use cash in both Shanghai and rural area China. It looks like I was living in Stone Age.

    YourCallisImportantPlsHold Sep 18, 2017
    … I think this nicely demonstrates how we in the west are stuck in the past. //

  5. Trump's trade war with China aren't noting to do with trade balances, it's about stopping China. good luck US. Trump or US increase money supplies to support farmers, QE4, bailouts…. not to mention China pulling investments in US out.

  6. America will win because of the American control of the world financial system by the Jewish bankers Rothschild and George Soros of his descendants

  7. "THE CHOSEN ONE" said we are having the best economy ever and trade wars are easy to win. He will keep America great. Errrr….

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