
關於伊朗反政府抗議活動的新的戲劇性細節已經出現。美國國務院表示,死亡人數可能高達1000人。捍衛民主國家基金會高級研究員Behnam Ben Taleblu加入CBSN討論最新消息。




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  1. He said over 100+ but the words say 1000+????? Which is it? For Iran to cut off the internet(says something) because they dont want us to know whats going on there but im curious to which is actually true!!!!

  2. Iranian government saved the revolution by going to war with Iraq so by creating a new war they think they can keep the government from falling a part.

  3. I looked at an Iranian newspaper dated Dec 7th and nothing about this, I checked again a week later on the 15th and still seems to be misuse of media to mislead the people.

  4. This is exactly what america/israel has been reporting falsely for decades….Iran would have safely converted over time if the agreement was honored by the west and the Iranian people had more contact with outside countries, Israel and America would never allow that so lie as much as they can this video proves that as it shows absolutely nothing.

  5. It's was ME; hahahahaha ☠️!

    Is it not appearing two ☠️ you people (north Americans) I could destroy Iran by myself with a thought! I originally thought 50 people should die!

    That would not be fun; if I were the only one having fun! How boring would that be if did everything while the rest of you just watched ?!

    The only one true living God would rathe North America help ME two ☠️ do it!

    That way we all can have fun with saving ourselves!

  6. There is no America !!!  What we have is AmerIsrael a colony of Israel. Israel is the New World Order that Bush was referring to and America is controlled by Israel. Trump is a true treasonous Zionist traitor no different than any president before him and is he the final nail in the coffin of what once was America.  He and most everyone in the US government are loyal first to Israel and America is their enforcer and puppet of death and destruction. Our government has sold out America and our leaders are loyal first to Israel.  Our Congress is bought and paid for with millions of dollars from terrorists group called AIPAC and the ADL. A group of criminals that pay off our sold out Congress. Their millions have turned America into a terrorist nation of the most vile and evil traitors that have ever existed in the history of mankind. If the people of America do not wake up and rally against Israel then there is no hope for our county. How many American service men and women will have to die for the country of Israel.  And how many more innocent people will have to die in the name of freedom and democracy. That phrase is nothing less than a mind control of propaganda . And if you have children in the military you need to wake up to the reality of the real world that we live in. America will have no problem allowing your children to be killed for the agenda at hand.  Iran hasn't attacked America or any other country.  But Israel has and they murdered 34 of our military men on June 8, 1967. Israel attacked an American military ship killing 34 injuring 171 and President Johnson covered up the facts and gave the Zionist a free pass. The real enemy of America comes with in and our government has been bought and paid for.


  7. "We have photo evidence of the Iranians government using guns on their people"
    Literally 10 seconds later: "its hard to get footage because the government dosnt have internet"

    So what you're telling me is you guy have nothing?

  8. Who cares… internal affair. Let's stop meddling in other countries affairs… unless u are ready to send ur kid there… stfu. I am sure the state dept is telling us the truth… after all… we found so many weapons of mass destruction in Iraq…. sarcasm. Fakenews.

  9. So, you should know better than to show anything from trump government . They're trying to start a fake Armageddon. Troops to saudi arabia, netenyahou trying to fool The American people with old video of Iran nuke sights. And not many beyond trump wanted to pull out of the deal. It is not Iran, they are being framed!!

  10. USA stay out nor get drawn into IRANIAN PROBLEMS!! what they do and or doing is THERE PROBLEM!!!
    ISLAM hates the USA and dont you forget that!!
    This reporter sure has!!

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