






75多年來,加拿大廣播公司一直是CBC新聞的來源,以使他們了解自己的社區,他們的國家和他們的世界。通過CBC電視台,CBC新聞網,CBC廣播電台,,移動和點播等多個平台上的區域和國家節目,CBC新聞及其國際知名的屢獲殊榮的記者團隊提供了突發新聞,分析和對加拿大人重要的性格。 。

  1. Canada media needs to add pressure to government to help these brave people of HK showing us the abuses China is doing by violating human rights. HK police department need to be punished for abusing HK citizens by abusing there powers. Please help report the news on violations of HK police department ty.

  2. Good for then! I support their fight for democracy and human rights. They are doing a lot more than some of the keyboard warriors in the comments would ever do.

  3. The student can leave, but will be arrested. So, you think after all this riots and burning, you can go out without being prosecuted. Come on….. i just cannot understand this lady… You commit a crime, you pay the price.

  4. More good news for Taiwan! A CCP spy is in Australia spilling his guts about what the CCP has had him do over the past few years. His next assignment was to interfere in the elections in Taiwan! He believes in Democracy so is seeking asylum in Australia!…yet another reason to boycott the Olympics in Beijing in 2022!….When is Canada hoping to take a stand?

  5. protesters? r u kidding me? use arrows ..petrol bomb. burn the cities in trashed arson everywhere in a beautiful city. they are terrorists. .

  6. Why not bring the educated people who love freedom from hong kong justin could let them in . they could make canada hopefully a place they would integrate very easy . they would be a aset to this country .

  7. From the beginning you were peaceful protesters, I was on your side. Time passed, you killed an old man alive and killed another old man by brick threw on his head…………etc. You turned into terrorists. So no more sympathy.

  8. These rioters destroy the school shoot the police with arrows and shower the police with flame bombs then now asking the US government to send a troop to HK to rescue them. As a HK citizen we welcome very much US to take all these peaceful rioters to their country we don』t mind to pay the air tickets

  9. This woman is part of the problem of encouraging ignorant young people to commit crime and destruction. She should be locked up for at least 20 years to reflect her sins.

  10. Stop making these thugs heroes. They are anything but. Why didn't you talk to ordinary Hong Kong people and ask them if they feel about these senseless acts?

  11. ?The title is trying to convey that HK proline sieged a university that』s full of students.

    Then they interviewed a random rioter in there, but she is not a student.

    What the hell you are trying to say CBC? Rioters using the university as a safe house?
    Jobless people trying to make a quick buck?
    Grownup manipulating millennials to achieve their agenda?

    What』s a peaceful protester doing in there at this kind of situation?

  12. So you really think the devastating disaster that was launched by theses clueless youngsters months ago will actually gain HONG KONG a better future? Come on! You gotta be Out Of Your Mind !

  13. this fxxker Tan wants the polis to trust this zombie protesters=gangster=rioters.i suggest the police arrest her; she and her group are the one behind these riots

  14. the police are secretly murdering protesters. This is the cause of the escalation. the us government knows this that is why they passed that hong kong bill.

  15. Women: they're treating protestors like terrorists
    Outside: protestor throwing bricks and maltov and shooting arrows
    …….. how is she a peofessor??

  16. These are rioters and murderers. They already killed one citizen of Hong Kong and hundreds are beaten up by these mobs. Police let them leave anytime peacefully but these rioters just want to leave without any consequence or arrest. Of course no people commit crime wants to be arrested. These rioters threw thousands of petrol bombs and destroyed the whole university and all facilities of the tunnel and they do not want to take any responsibility and just walk away? These rioters own everything to the normal citizens of Hong Kong.

  17. Canada time to send ur troops! O wait no, send more reporters! They need more reporters over there! Lots to
    Report not really life threatening after one hard reporting day u can go to good restaurant and top tier hotel to relax and start again the next day! Heavenly for media in HK, don』t go Iran u know that place really is killing protestors no reporter needed

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