
自上周以來,抗議者一直在香港理工大學進行對峙。警方和抗議者較早時在校園郊區進行催淚瓦斯和炸彈的交換,而試圖離開的人則當場被捕。 CNN的Anna Coren報告。

#CNN #News。

  1. Do you hear the cry? It』s the war cry. It』s people, young people, millennials who is fighting with every piece of science they have learn to defend themselves. Dear god it』s tragic. Because with no defense and homemade bombs, their voice will be silent, their life will be lost. The world have lost one potential market, Vietnam, don』t lose Hongkong. #prayforhongkong

  2. You guy are Liar the only reason there doing this is because the police are getting beaten by 20-30 Protesters attacking the police in America they would have killed the protesters but in China they are not allow to fire there guy all the western new are Corrupt and so is the press!!! They don』t understand the history of China they think there British. So you guy are lying pieces of shit??

  3. Oh wow, Internet Army is improving. $0.5 here's your salary colleagues from mainland China. You guys finally figured out not to use Chinese surname like Wang, Jia, Chen etc. as your google name. Oh wait, but why are you guys disappearing from clips showing the landslide victory towards the district council election in Hong Kong? I thought you guys claiming the protesters are minority, no stake in the society. Sorry to let you guys down:( In fact, protesters are from different industry in Hong Kong:) We got professionals like doctors and nurse as first aid team, lawyer team, creative media industry works as promotion teams, teachers, social works, a bunch of university students (i.e. 5 are top 100 in the world) etc. But I guess you guys might never understand, cuz you guys don't have a chance to VOTE, don't have a chance to join rally, no true freedom of speech, and how is your experience using a VPN to youtube? Or you are studying overseas in a democratic capitalist civilized country and yelling there is only ONE CHINA without knowing the demands from the HONGKONGERS.

  4. Oh my God reporters are so stupid! Attention all reporters have you ever heard of the organ harvesting of prisoners by the Chinese government? There was a documentary made about it. These people are protesting against the possibility of being tried in mainland China because the government is so ruthless. It's not the only reason why, but that's one of them since the protesting started. China wants Hong Kong prisoners to be tried in mainland China which would cause them their lives.

  5. Yes, it would be better if the police did not have to use their batons or other weapons, but unfortunately these terrorists are not easily moved by verbal persuasions nor by endless exchanges of "pleasantries" DDLM. Notwithstanding, the TRUTH is NO death (yet) caused by the police even after nearly 6 months of massive rioting, arson, vandalism, vigilantism, and the FIRST murder at the hands of these terrorists is a true testimony to the HK police professionalism. The murder count by these terrorists may go to two soon as a 2nd victim is still in coma after being doused and set on fire.

  6. Thank goodness the police force is keeping the public safe from these sponsored terrorists and rioters. Otherwise, these tyrants and maniacs would have caused even more deaths and damages to the institution and the society.

  7. The media like CNN is also have responsibilities for HK become to this situation, see, you still say they want democracy and freedom blablablabla….that is so fucking wrong

  8. Let Hong Kong free! it doesn't belong to China, doesn't care about Hong Kong any more than it cares for Tibet or the Gobi desert territories. In this day and age, each culture deserves, nay, has the God-given right to govern themselves. Hong Kong and China are different enough that I would say it would be like Saudi Arabia annexing Qatar or Russia taking the baltic states (or Crimea). China needs to be condemned for this, under UN authority, they need to be forced to relinquish their control and the city or else they should have their UN security council status revoked. It should be under the UN and British/ American control to help set up a democracy and defend the island until full independence is stable. Really if you argue the point you are just against the idea of peoples and culture groups governing themselves and you might want to get a DNA test to see if you are related to Adolf.

  9. Stay strong , Young fellowers!The polyU shall not be the end, there are plenty of universities in HongKong where you can fight for your freedom. Tell the world it's merely a start ,that you are ready to fight for another ten years! If you work hard enough ,Shenzhen will have its own Oxford.

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