








  1. Umm… how did i get here i searched disneyland hong kong and now im in a rabbit hole of these videos and i didnt even know this was happening plus i dont understand any of the words in this video(probably because im 12 years old) now im scared to go to disneyland hong kong

  2. Underage black homosexual feminist Muslims say support for Scottish independence!
    Ask the British government to respect the rights and demands of the Scots!

  3. The US has vocally backed anti-Beijing protests in Hong Kong. Earlier this week, the US House of Representatives passed two bills to back the protesters and issued a 「warning」 to China about alleged human rights issues.

    「China criticised the US for what I criticise this country about repeatedly, the greatest source of violence and instability in the world.

  4. The guy in the video literally said he was afraid they'd lose their "Revolution"'. No government in the world will tolerate that.

  5. A list of things done in HK thus far by these rioters whom western media and politicians call 'peaceful protesters, wanting democracy and freedom':

    *Stabbing policemen with knives

    *Destroying entire streets by digging up bricks and rocks

    *Throwing rocks at police

    * Throwing bricks at police

    * Shining high powered laser into the eyes of police and elderly HK citizens who do not support their violence

    * beaten up countless of Hong Kongers, especially mob violence against the single handed elderly, men and women, resulting in bloodied heads, mouths, eyes, noses etc

    * threw acid on policemen

    * used catapults at the police, ended up hitting and blinding a female protestor (and thus less and less catapults were utilised since then)

    * torching cars of other Hong Kongers

    * harrassing and doxxing people who were interviewed by the media, including their workplace and families (till now many Hong Kongers are fearful to appear on camera)

    * stoning an elderly Hong Konger in the head after a verbal exchange, old man died

    * threw molotov cocktails / petrol bombs at police

    * threw molotov cocktails / petrol bombs at elderly Hong Kongers trying to clear the debris after a night's rioting

    * setting fire and burning a man alive who didn't agree with their anti-social behaviour

    * blockaded entire roads and streets, not allowing any vehicle nor pedestrian to pass, people cannot go to work, children cannot go to school and elderly cannot go home, resulting in scores of people stranded….. if anyone complains on social media….. they are doxxed and they and their family harrassed and threatened

    * stormed and destroyed the parliament building, raised the UK flag and US flags on sovereign territory

    * multiple attempts to snatch police guns

    * Using bows and arrows at the police, hitting police officers with the shot arrows, piercing through

    * so far, about 3 elderly men killed by these masked mobs, plenty more in hospitals or at home with injury

    * destroyed banks

    * destroyed shops of innocent Hong Kongers

    * destroyed stores belonging to global multinational companies

    * destroyed and set fire to many MTR train stations

    * purposely threw debris to derail trains

    * derailed trains with passengers in them, causing untold injuries

    * making up stories of police brutality

    * charging at the police with batons, poles, baseball bats, umbrellas

    * used the suicide of a 15 year old girl due to mental illness as a false story of police brutality, claiming she was killed by police

    * the suicide victim's mom was interviewed and she shared that her daughter was suffering from mental illness and she reviewed all CCTV footage of the day, it was a clear suicide and had nothing to do with the protests nor police, and was doxxed by angry rioters for not allowing them to use her daughter as a martyr, and harrassed, given death threats and hunted down, even when she is grieving the death and loss of her daughter

    * occupied and destroyed universities

    * made thousands of petrol bombs during the occupation, more than 4000 were found

    * occupied and forced the national airport to shut down

    * occupied the airport and prevented travellers and foreigners from flying, leaving many in tears and literally begging the rioters to let them go home

    * destroyed traffic lights

    * destroyed street lamps

    * destroyed sidewalks

    * destroying taxis and cars

    * setting fire to multiple vehicles near the universities

    Feel free to add your own

    Most of them would have gotten shot by the police in most western countries, especially in the USA.

    So let's not be hypocrites here.

  6. The rioters had killed 2 local innocent people already and last week they burnt a local man. He got nothing on hand! He just blame the rioters when they were damaging the metro facilities. He is still in critical condition and almost 50% skin get burnt. Nobody were arrested until now!! What a horrible thing in HK? Peaceful/ Fighting for freedom? Bullshit!! The majority of HK ppl are not agree!!
    Why BBC didn't report? The are getting crazy and extremely violence!!! See this video from our local well-known press.

  7. I was insulted and beaten by a rogue headteacher and a rogue student at school。I was put in a mental hospital by the CCP policeman。I was insulted, beaten, shocked in there

  8. I mean, the journalist at the end made a good point: The protesters don't trust the police if they promise peace and the fire tear gas if the protesters leave.

  9. We got so many Hong Kong people support the police force or against the rioters. To be responsible media, BBC have to know and tell the truth. Please don't ignore our voices and pretend all HK ppl support the rioters or protest.
    Don't be biased media again.

  10. BBC crash his own brand in report Hongkong news, independence and authenticity have been destroyed. Peoples try to give up BBC and choice better media with high authenticities such as CNA or RT. People want to see the truth while not fake bias bull shits.

  11. I feel sorry for the high school students. They are too naive to understand what they were getting involved in. They have just been used as pawns by organisers of the riots

  12. BBC please pleads with UK government to grant citizenship to the peaceful pro democracy students. Don't throw them under the bus after you have supported them all along. They will help UK to be great again.

  13. Most of the young people in Hong Kong who are less than 30 years old are already standing in the shape of consciousness in the western world. He can receive education and Internet media at a young age, and his knowledge of the Chinese Congress is demonized. In Hong Kong, young people feel that they are fighting for "democracy and freedom." they reject anything about the Chinese people, and they are in Hong Kong, which is high and prosperous in Hong Kong. What good does Hong Kong have for you because of your small number of pests? Since you are willing to stay in Hong Kong, you will not be able to leave quickly and permanently, because you, or your father, is the one who is most persecuted by the rich and the rich in Hong Kong. Because the people of China and above will not be as specific as your thoughts! More know how to respect the hundred years of Hong Kong people tired of the fruit, more know how to respect the history and face to face! Because the years of the times will not bring about any changes as a result of some of the rioters, over the years, when you become parents and young people, you will understand how well you know and be childish in your years of self-deeds. Go back, try your best to join the society, for yourself, for the family to face the rest of your life! China / Hong Kong / …………Hong Kong is Hong Kong of China. In countries led by the United States and Britain, they have been rudely involved in China's domestic politics, deliberately aided and created violence to achieve their position in world finance, which has defeated Hong Kong over the past 100 years, and to create greater interests for themselves. I hope that the whole world will see the talk of those who benefit from the interests of the politicians of the United States. Take a good look at how the world's first largest country has broken the peace of the world through inextricable physical harmony and invulnerability. Finally, it is believed that justice is at ease in the hearts of the people, and that the long river of history will certainly let you see a peaceful, friendly, and strong country!中國??

  14. I am curious why BBC doesn't show more violence from the protestors. They killed citizen in Hong Kong already, forced people strike by setting fire on the metro station, stopping people using public transportation.

  15. 4:05 revolution??? Oh come now, you are insulting all the departed souls of french revolution, american revolution, cuban revolution, you are spitting on their graves when you call your failure of a riot a revolution.

  16. Given the way the police have treated those wishing to withdraw there doesn't seem much point in listening to the authroities since their word is worthless.

  17. Meanwhile Iranian Government has shut down the Internet and has held 80 million people hostage for the past 3 days!Tens of people have been killed and over hundreds injured?
    No hint in BBC news at all with regards to Iranian Protests while over and over Hong Hong protests
    BBC s interest over peoples lives

  18. #香港 #十萬火急

    1.在估狗幫推,搜尋「hk police massacre polyu's students」及「黑警屠殺理工學生」,因為現在這次事件在中英文版上Google search TOP5!

    2.現在 #PolyU 的tag在推特上了trend(尤其美國),開Twitter,找 #PolyU hastag幫忙RT及like,保持熱度,請廣傳!
    #香港警察の暴行 #香港デモ

  19. Once they started this democracy revolution, they should have known what a revolution would cost. However the protesters use their masks to hide away from the responsibility taking. They had fun in this political carnival, and then they surrendered easily after the siege, and they started to worry 「what if my mom knows this」. This is no way a revolution. This is a tragicomedy, a joke.

  20. It has not thing to do with freedom. it is violence to overthrow the government per Singapore Minister's observation. Please don't put Christian virtue at risk as supporting or committing violence won't glorify God.

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