在抗議者和警察之間的香港大學對峙中發生了什麼? | DW新聞



  1. The system has us all intertwined.. We should all be supporting the ppl of hong kong aginst the regiem . we need to wake up and look at the big picture instead of our own individual community needs. He powers want us to believe it is a race race to the top. Ehen we are all opressed. We need to support eachother. I am eatching the elections in china and we should be condiming the current gov in place.

  2. my American brain (externalizing)

    「how many feet is a few hundred meters」

    「how many feet」


    literally as I watch the whole video.

  3. It』s time the government get rid of these rioters who destroy property ,lives businesses jail the rioters and the leaders if this happens in America national guard would come and shot them dead

  4. Hey Germany, in a few years when your own AfD and neoNazis walk into the street to beat up people, we shall revisit your reports now. Would be lovely.

  5. I』m sorry to have to say this, but Hong Kong as we knew it is totally over. It was a rented piece of land that always belonged to China,(now Red China).
    I would』ve left in 1997 right after the Hand-Over. Why are these poor souls so deluded? Don』t they know it』s not a protectorate?
    Once the British left, this was the end. The 50 year rule was a joke.
    We are 23 years into the 50 years. I am for these good people, but wake up and just move away. Your talents and intelligence is so very much needed elsewhere in the world.

  6. If you use violence to force others to accept your demands, you are a terrorist. You would also get shot and have to face charges here in Germany!

  7. Sorry,West. No more Tiananmen Square for ya. It』s the only 「specific thing」 the west can think of when taking About China, but I can list all the specific crimes the west did to other countries/people.

  8. Support the Hong Kong police to eradicate the terrorist violence planned by the democratic dog, and the net will eliminate the ambition of the Democratic Party to promote Hong Kong's independence!

  9. what r u talking about they were warm before . police tell all to leave but they dont want to leave. after a while they get scare and ask foreign country to help. such a bias media DW news

  10. Be professional like a media journalist should and report facts accordingly. You have underrated the degree of violence within these rioters.

    If you are okay with these rioters, you are supporting the fact that violence is okay in a peaceful means of protest and this will crushed the basis of democracy. No one has the freedom of speech because the one where others who speak of different opinions than us can be beaten, can be bullied and worse, can be burnt alive.

  11. As our president has said, we don't have freedom of press in this country, in fact, we do have a very corrupt media.

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