

主講人:阿德里安·菲尼根(Adrian Finighan)

倫敦經濟學院中東中心研究委員會成員薩德·賈瓦德(Saad Jawad)。
伊拉克反對黨全國委員會法律顧問,高級律師薩拉赫·哈希米(Salah Hashimi)。
德黑蘭大學世界研究學院教授Fouad Izadi。



  1. Isis has been defeated in that country , foreign forces are invading forces now, let them solve their problem by civil war or vote and enjoy them

  2. We people in the Middle East don't have any clue about elections and democracy , when we win we shout and cry about the accuracy of election and when we lose we scream about fraud and start a riot .
    We too primitive for democracy .

  3. Iran's influence in Iraq is not more than Iraq's influence in Iran , speaker of parliament of Iran is Iraqi born and so was former head of Judiciary of Iran .

  4. People are killed in the demonstrations of Iraq and the United Nations has not done anything to help the Iraqi people, like isolate the Iraqi government, or find out who was behind the killing of peaceful demonstrators

  5. In Ammara, for instance, a crowd burnt the headquarters of a powerful Iranian-backed militia. Guards opened fire, and during the ensuing clashes protesters pulled the militia』s injured commander from an ambulance and killed him.

  6. If you want to truly understand the situation between Iraq-Iran relations, we can learn a lot from Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani who said, "We consider Iraq as our natural ally and we are not concerned about the recent incidents in Iraq because Iraq enjoys experienced political and religious leaders and they can handle the issues and Ayatollah Sistani is well aware of these issues."

  7. Al Jazeera and the two speakers speaking from abroad are clearly anti Iran parties, despite the facts that the current Iraqi government won the election. What about the big share of oil that is taken by US an its allies?

  8. Iran like cancer, it destroys every country it enters !?
    They should be out of Iraq as soon as possible. My heart bleeds every time I see the death of beautiful young life, all he wanted was a nation !?

  9. This guy from Iran is part of the corrupt criminal regime in Iran, he is complaining about dictatorship in other countries and they don't want democracy in Iran is Iranian government is a democracy, he may says that Iran has election, which is none sense, criminal regime in Iran just killed over 150 innocent people, whole system is mafia killer regime.

  10. Elite Mafia is frightened from people's movements in Hong Kong and all around the world, people around the world want to be free and have their countries back, so it will serve people not the corrupt and criminal elite. These centers of power are using common people to oppress common people to protect their interest and control. People of Iraq and Iran must fight to topple these two criminal mafia regimes, so people can have their governments that will serve people's interest not the interest of mafia elite.

  11. US playing same song like venezuela, iraq, libya, syria,,

    Economic sanction–> people hungry–> provocation –> demonstration–> kill some demontration/ cyber attack or electrical attack–> media provocation–> people more stress–> more bigger demonstration–> UN intervans–> US intervance–> local proxy war–> failed states–> US put his puppets–> US scure oil and central bank

  12. Iran is a force for defence from the Zionist wamronegrs and Al Saud slaughters. No surprise Iran is the least attacked Country in the middle east in the region and by outside forces, because it has a robust defence force, Iraq should join forces if they want secure protection from US-Zio devils.

  13. Mr. Izadi people of Iraq are demonstrating against their corrupted government which are and have been backed by the Iranian government, and the Iraqi government wants to resign as their own people request, in order to their people can choose anyone they want, is anything wrong with this scenario.
    Why the Iranian Government / Khamenei is interfering with Iraqis politic challenges?
    Iran helped Iraqi to defeat Isis, so it means now Iran has a right to interfere with Iraqi government decisions and any discussion between Iraqi people and their own government?
    Mr. Izadi, you said each country must or should have a good and close relationship with their neighbor, and therefore Iran trying to have a very good relationship with Iraqis, my question is isn't Saudis Iran neighbor? Then why Iran interfering in their countries???
    Mr. Izadi, would Iran allow Turkey to install a militia group in Iran under Turkish government control or influence?
    Then why Iran think this is the right way of relationship with Iraqi?
    What suppose Iraqi should feel about this matter???
    Mr. Izadi, interfering in any country is wrong regardless of who is doing it.
    Mr. Izadi, Iraqis have a problem with their government since their government is corrupted, if Iran is a friend of Iraqis must support people, not supporting the corrupted government, Don't you think so?

  14. when you are defining your identity as an Arab and you are speaking Arabic every day, you see someone who is not speaking Arabic you feel like this guy is not one of us, add a little bit nationalism and a two sentenced fake news against non Arabs: this explains most of Arabs history. we love you anyway, just think about what you doing and dont shout cuz your neighbour is shouting

  15. Al Jazeera! It isn't like you defending Iraq! You are the sole bastion of human rights in the world. Thank you for shifting sides and saving us from boredom . Pure entertainment by Al Jazeera.

  16. I just wonder for how long it will take for Islamic world to know who the real enemy is? Just thinking aloud because the last time I checked it was not Iran that invaded Iraq.

  17. Iran always sticks it』s nose where it doesn』t belong, their country is in the toilet and they won』t be happy until everyone is miserable like them

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