







  1. They put fire every where,put the flame on others body,burning cars,metro,subway,shops,bank,robbing,stealing.If police go to arrest them they will say police so rude,use excessive force.Hey,they are criminal,police already show mercy to them and warn them for so many times,they still keep on committing crime,even put petrol bomb to police and shot by their arrow.

  2. Police shoot out people's eyes and break arms and beat up pregnant people shooting toxic made in china tear gas, attack and arresting the wounded by hiding in an ambulance
    Arresting medics when they are trying to help the wounded! So saving people are now illegal in Hong Kong. While there are still 「people」 supporting those cops. How ridiculous.
    This is EXACTLY what happens when the people do not have the means or the armament to control the government.
    It』s a shame no other countries will step in to help out with this because they are afraid of losing the firmly planted CCP money cock that is currently up their asses and throats.

    I hope groups like Anonymous would crack down on China CCP bots that is spreading fake news and show the world the crimes China and CCP are doing!
    Free Hong Kong. Rise against the suppressive communist rain of china.

  3. Interesting footage, but the the best and most up-to-date footage of the on-going protests, I recommend watching one of the live streams by Chilli Lucas.

  4. One spokesperson claiming to represent volunteers who are with the "criminals" claimed that there are secondary students amongst those held up at the university.

    Clearly he was trying to imply these are innocent young students caught in the situation.
    Sadly this wont work with anyone who is not related to these criminals.
    Criminals are Criminals regardless of their age, even if they are indeed secondary students what on earth are they doing hold up amongst the criminals who are shooting arrows, throwing petrol bombs and committing all sorts of crimes including murder.
    Sure if they are indeed underage they will be treated with more leniency as prescribed by the law however they are still criminals nonetherless and has to answer for their crimes and actions.
    Parents of the students who are amongst those hold up should not blame the police they should blame themselves for allowing their children to get involved with crimes in the first place, they should instead be urging for their children to remove their mask throw away all their arms and petrol bombs hold up their hands above their heads and surrender to the police in a single line to answer for their own actions.
    Claiming them as 小朋友 as an excuse is more than lame, why did the parents kept quiet and did nothing when these 小朋友 masked themselves attack public and police, burn private and public property, throw petrol bombs and commit all sorts of crimes including murder.
    Once a crime is committed that person becomes a criminal never mind his age even as those who are underage do receive a more lenient sentence but remain a criminal nonetherless.

  5. Title should be 'Police rescue Hong Kong Uni from terrorist students'. How many Police fire tear gas videos la CNA? They are riot police of course use tear gas 😀

  6. Cold War 2020 is already here. The leading Chinese Communist Party (CCP), are uniting every possible countries to form an alliance, introducing its own digital currency, infiltrating media industry worldwide, developing 5G and AI technology aggressively, and expanding their military power. Who will win this time, the West allies? Maybe not when CCP has enough nuclear power to destroy the whole world, or hack into the system to shut down all the satellites.

  7. I am afraid this will turn into a blood bath soon when PRC troops take control of the HK situation. It seems the HK youths prefer to be puppets to the white man. It looks to be the case. Similar to the African slaves that returned to his white master』s plantation post the American civil war and emancipation proclamation. A very sad situation indeed developing in HK. Lessons learned is to not let the Brits write or influence your school text books. It』s very sad watching HK youth clad in black color Gap and Abercrombie T-shirts waving their white masters』 flags. This generation of HK youth have been brain washed and made super dumb. A product of British/foreign education system. Many HK youths suffer from self hate.

  8. I am not surprised that HK is heading to this civil unrest. Hong Kong housing price is the most expensive in the world. People live in cages and high rise building. The government/developers only allow to use 40% of its land while leave 60% empty. Many mainland Chinese buy properties in Hong Kong and all over the world to jack up housing price, which local people have to compete with their local salary. How can these local people compete with rich millionaire/billionaire mainland Chinese? They see their city is being taken over by the mainland Chinese, which is why they fight back. Even though, they know the chance of winning this battle is very slim. But when you see no future, you have nothing to loose but must fight back. Unfortunately, the HK government and the CCP are very stubborn, they will never give in to the demands from the protestors. If they gave in from the beginning, things would not get to this stage.

  9. Beautiful visuals!
    Remember that no long lasting nation or corporation was built or established with peace and love and talking. It was done by force. Then talking.

  10. their grudge is against mainland china, the PLA barracks are just right there, they should go storm, break in and vandalise the barracks and attack the soldiers, yet they rather destroy their own university and leave the PLA barracks in prestine condition

  11. The rioters are just like crazy bullies. The more responses from the Police, they more excited they are. Just let them do anything they want and turn Hong Kong into a dead city.

  12. The Chinese PLA came out to remove the bricks from the streets etc. which was shared on global media and then towards evening the police moved in with riot trucks to attack students there. That was the reason to remove the bricks so police could get access. The students will most likely lose in the end, but they are making a point. When the CCP wins this battle in HK, they will kill HK as an international city, and China will go into a deep recession. All the signs are already there. Huge financial debt in both official and shadow banking sytems. A collapse of their export led economy, empty cities, over built and underutilized infrastructure, lack of investment moving to China, and China itself closing itself in yet again … so the rest of world cannot watch how China is going to implode. After the CCP, China will recover very quickly once it has a legitimate, globally responsible, authentic government that practices integrity for itself and its people. Something has to collapse before something new can arise. This is the end of the old that will herald in the NEW.

  13. And later at one of his tantrum, Donald duck the Trump will say: "You are fired!" I don't want rioters from HongKong immigrating to my "Americun First" , I just want renminbi, lots of 人民幣 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, not rioters!

  14. Meanwhile the paper tiger sits and watches idly as the youth destroy it's province, what happened to all the saber rattling threats of leaving bones of rioters, all talk no action.

  15. Those rioters dare to vandalized everything related to China, why the f they dont vandalize that china army barrack? Rats still rats, kids still kids..

  16. Can it be possible the HK police are egging on the protesters to attack the PLA barracks? The kiddie baby gloves way the HK police handle the spoiled protester brats is very strange. Are they sympathizing with the CANTONESE protesters to fight their beijing/CPP masters?

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