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  1. You are one of my favorite YouTube channels and I listen to your videos as soon as you publish them. This morning my wife sat on the bed as I listened to your video, for the first time. She said she wanted to listen to "the people I listen to" on YouTube. She's slowly becoming interested and becoming more politically and financially awake. I thank you for your work. You have no idea how many people you are slapping awake.

  2. Hey now, the spending has been out of control for a long time now. If the economy crashes it isnt 100% the dems or repubs fault BUT assure you 1 of 2 things:
    1. If the economy crashes, Trump will blame the Democrats or..
    2. If Trump somehow succeeds in avoiding an economic catastrophe, he will take all of the credit

  3. China also has told our politicians that they should take our guns and I believe our politicians are making deals with china to secure their seats at the table when this all goes sideways. The sad thing is that all the donkey's in this country are just sitting in their living rooms watching fake news and football games with no care in the world what's going to happen to them.

  4. You have built debt mountain by over spend more then what you really made or earned that's simple economics sense let's except basic check how crony capitalism greedy minds used commie sweat shop's made big gains later mfg units shifted away nor UR weak at mercy of Chinese mfg and ilussion of unsinkable titanic captain way was visible all over cartels player's destroyed dumped country set your belt tight up your days running out in quick sand pit fallen already

  5. I hope I'm wrong but this mess has been designed to fail. So they can bring in the New World Order!!! Not just America is in trouble but the world is facing heartache!!! Like Pres Trump or not he's been fighting day and night against it!!! Trump is fed up other countries expecting us to protect them as I heard him tell leaders " Pay up some money for us to protect ya why should our taxpayers pay the bill?""I died laughing as their mouth dropped!!! I feel these Socialist lefties hate Pres Trump with a passion because he goes against the grain fighting for freedom and hate him for going against the NWO!!!! My leftist pal td me Pres Trump has a big mouth and I said " Yes, thank God because he body slams. By himself the swap creatures who want to eat him alive and take America away!!!" Thank you for your talks

  6. China should kick out communism communism will destroy China

    Original peaceful China had nothing to do with communism

    If China would wake up its the one who has been invaded

    Communism is a parasite that has taken control of its host

    China needs to be saved if anything

    Kick out the communism and China will return back to normal

  7. #JeremiahBabe …I was just looking at your "Home Page" here on YT. I went to the "About" section, but there is "no email address" there ?
    I was going to send you that article from TIME magazine about "The Great Retirement Ripoff" dated 10-31-05.

  8. Did you really just defend lying? Trump is a crook always has been. I guarantee if you went to his college your tune would be different. If you had lost money through business dealings you』d have a different tune as well. Better your channel and stop with the dam politics leave it to the facts and not your opinion. You constantly talk about preparations and what to do if SHTF. BE YOUR OWN CENTRAL BANK etc. HAVE YOUR OWN DAM MIND. Yet you stroke this president』s nutts every chance you get. Is he going to send a care package for you if SHTF? This country brought itself down with its arrogance, ego, and the extreme peasants will go through to so they can feel like they are better than the next peasant. Trump is a dumb as they come and you can tell mainly by his colorful way of talking the same as if you are telling a story to a young, simple minded child. (How big was the dragon daddy? It was real big. Very big. The biggest most beautiful dragon you ever saw ?. )

    Get over it. Keep it to the facts. I don』t care for politicians in one way or the other because they are all crooked and any woke person will know that and not praise them because they will not save them as we all know. Focus on how we can better prepare ourselves with the facts. Not how to be a sycophant to someone who doesn』t know who you are and definitely doesn』t give a dam.

  9. USA must stand toe to toe with China. Infiltration from China in everywhere in the internet, people don't understand if like you said USA is down, not only affect American, the whole world will be taken by China then this will be the end even worse than the time of Nazi.

  10. Wrong. The impeachment is not going to work. But yes, Trump is good president when comparing to Clinton Bush and Obama.

  11. The stock market is on crack.  Stock market up because the Chinese trade talks "Might" be positive which I doubt.  Just a quick money grab before it comes crashing back down.  With behavior like this I really don't think the market needs or deserves a rate cut.  Definitely some new found money out there.  We get a lot of wealthy clients in and business has picked up a tad.  All these guys at like spoiled children and treat normal people like low life scum.  It seems to be getting worse as these people have portfolios that only get larger.  At some point instinct will take over and these people will get what they deserve!

  12. Get set for what is coming people!! The Fed added another 82 billion to the banking system again last night 10/11. China knows this and they are well aware that our banking system is in deep trouble. As they (China) continue to gain ascendancy over the United States, their mask will continue to come off more and more. We are most likely headed for a depression and a war that we may not win, a war with China. China is not the old Soviet Union. Their technology is for the most part equal to ours, in addition they manufacture the vast amount of what we Americans consume and have a larger manufacturing base than we do, with an economy that is practically as large as ours. Finally they are also heavily invested in American Markets, including pension funds etc etc, and not just for investment but for leverage against us! Don't be fooled! All the Guns and Gold and freeze dried food will not save us from what is most likely coming, perhaps The Lord if HE so chooses, but it will not be by our hand.

  13. I cannot f**** believe you're not live right now the world is ending there's no power out in Oakland oh my god dude you your wet dream is coming true start eating your silver and gold LMAFO

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