
Fox News高級戰略分析師Gen. Jack Keane的反應和分析。 。

  1. more then anyting the world needs regime change in ISRAEL …..WE ALL KNOW THIS IS ALL ABOUT ISRAEL ……LONG LIVE IRAN AND IRAN MILLITARY

  2. It』s amazing isn』t? Try protesting in the streets of America. You will get tear gassed, beaten and arrested. The Dakota Access Pipeline protest for example. Occupy Wall Street too. The US government is completely hypocritical in these matters.

  3. The US government is at odds with boycotting the Iranian nation on the one hand and supporting rioters and street demonstrations. America must lift sanctions on the Iranian nation. All countries in the world, except Saudi Arabia and Israel, are opposed to wrong US policy.

  4. In most "religous " societies , they all have bad problems , and why do they seem to hate the whole world ? sheeeesh , try being nice to your neighbors in the world , quit being so mean all the time , geeeez , you guys have leaders that love God right ? God says to love your neighbor as yourself , try it , do what God says , you might find a better life

  5. In iran we have more than 300 killed people by islamic republic.we want prince reza pahlavi son of mohamad reza shah come back to home .we want secular king.we want leader ali khamene go to hell.

  6. Someone tell the CIA that again there』s another uprising in Iran and stop trying to undermine our President. US intelligence agencies have become as bad as the DMV in most cities.

  7. Why isn't this all over the news and don't you think if the people knew what was going on they would stand with the people of Iran just like they're doing with Hong Kong.

  8. 0:56 These are the pictures of anti-riot and anti-USA protests in Iran, You can explicitly listen people are chanting "Down with USA" and how much it's enjoyable to listen it from Fox News the enemy of the Iranian nation

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