


相對平靜的一天後,今晚爆發了更多衝突-警察向從大學屋頂扔汽油彈的人發射催淚瓦斯,使道路上的碎屑散落。馬特·弗賴(Matt Frei)從香港報道。


  1. Hongkong protesters are rightwing neofascist pro Trump Identitarians just like Taiwanese independence fighters who reject a multicultural society.

  2. HK…too little too late. You are well on the way to becoming a 3rd grade city of China while other Chinese cities such as Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing have established themselves as 1st grade cities for finance, trading and banking hubs.

    So, what makes anyone think China will bother with these stupid HKies who are practically acting as free cannon fodders for those dirty Imperialists, who will be deeply disappointed that their little backdoor antics of 「divide n conquer」 did not undermine China on the international stage in the least bit.

  3. Why is a communist nation like China being so soft with the police, look at France, if you threaten police, they kill you, why is China being so soft with police power, I mean the hongkong protest would be easy to suppress early on, now it seems a big problem

  4. lol, all the comments – real voice of HK… lol the elections showed otherwise. I guess HK still has many appeazers who will bow to tyranny so long as their trains are on time.

  5. This is not true. I lives in Hong Kong, the majority of Hong Kong people are supporting protesters, the result of district election has prove that. These are pro Beijing groups of people who always support ccp and police brutality.

  6. Great, YouTube has again just removed a new video of a guy cleaning up the road debris at night, gets surrounded and then got hit by a swining metal object on the head by one of the protesters… The video is really shocking to watch by the actions of the protestors, and yet the western media still chose to ignore it and removed it…

  7. Mmm for once, I don't approve. There is a smart way to protest… and a stupid way that incites civil war with neither the tactical prowess nor equipment to succeed.

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