
隨著香港抗議活動的升級和對政府的憤怒的增加,有一個公共服務部門越來越受歡迎-消防員。雖然警察因抗議活動的處理而受到廣泛批評,但消防車到達騷亂現場時得到了掌聲。美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)的威爾·里普利(Will Ripley)報告說,人數雖少,但越來越多的消防員已經承認他們支持整個城市的抗議運動。
#CNN #News。

  1. A list of things done in HK thus far by these rioters whom western media and politicians call 'peaceful protesters, wanting democracy and freedom':

    *Stabbing policemen with knives

    *Destroying entire streets by digging up bricks and rocks

    *Throwing rocks at police

    * Throwing bricks at police

    * Shining high powered laser into the eyes of police and elderly HK citizens who do not support their violence

    * beaten up countless of Hong Kongers, especially mob violence against the single handed elderly, men and women, resulting in bloodied heads, mouths, eyes, noses etc

    * threw acid on policemen

    * used catapults at the police, ended up hitting and blinding a female protestor (and thus less and less catapults were utilised since then)

    * torching cars of other Hong Kongers

    * harrassing and doxxing people who were interviewed by the media, including their workplace and families (till now many Hong Kongers are fearful to appear on camera)

    * stoning an elderly Hong Konger in the head after a verbal exchange, old man died

    * threw molotov cocktails / petrol bombs at police

    * threw molotov cocktails / petrol bombs at elderly Hong Kongers trying to clear the debris after a night's rioting

    * setting fire and burning a man alive who didn't agree with their anti-social behaviour

    * blockaded entire roads and streets, not allowing any vehicle nor pedestrian to pass, people cannot go to work, children cannot go to school and elderly cannot go home, resulting in scores of people stranded….. if anyone complains on social media….. they are doxxed and they and their family harrassed and threatened

    * stormed and destroyed the parliament building, raised the UK flag and US flags on sovereign territory

    * multiple attempts to snatch police guns

    * Using bows and arrows at the police, hitting police officers with the shot arrows, piercing through

    * so far, about 3 elderly men killed by these masked mobs, plenty more in hospitals or at home with injury

    * destroyed banks

    * destroyed shops of innocent Hong Kongers

    * destroyed stores belonging to global multinational companies

    * destroyed and set fire to many MTR train stations

    * purposely threw debris to derail trains

    * derailed trains with passengers in them, causing untold injuries

    * making up stories of police brutality

    * charging at the police with batons, poles, baseball bats, umbrellas

    * used the suicide of a 15 year old girl due to mental illness as a false story of police brutality, claiming she was killed by police

    * the suicide victim's mom was interviewed and she shared that her daughter was suffering from mental illness and she reviewed all CCTV footage of the day, it was a clear suicide and had nothing to do with the protests nor police, and was doxxed by angry rioters for not allowing them to use her daughter as a martyr, and harrassed, given death threats and hunted down, even when she is grieving the death and loss of her daughter

    * occupied and destroyed universities

    * made thousands of petrol bombs during the occupation, more than 4000 were found

    * occupied and forced the national airport to shut down

    * occupied the airport and prevented travellers and foreigners from flying, leaving many in tears and literally begging the rioters to let them go home

    * destroyed traffic lights

    * destroyed street lamps

    * destroyed sidewalks

    * destroying taxis and cars

    * setting fire to multiple vehicles near the universities

    Feel free to add your own

    Most of them would have gotten shot by the police in most western countries, especially in the USA.

    So let's not be hypocrites here.

  2. CNN must tell their experience with Hong Kong people too. Back in America police kill hundreds of people almost every year.

  3. The US is responsible for the brainwashing and funding for these protest groups. Glad to see so many here are aware of the truth. Joshua Cole should be sentenced to jail for 20 years for inciting such violence. He is an American shill, been caught schmoozing Marco Rubio and other American politicians, and is being paid by them to lead such efforts. Every single one of these protesters should have been jailed by now, but obviously Hong Kong must be in on it in some way, if they have not done so already. How could they not jail the people who lit that man on fire? I mean that is absolutely inhuman!!!

  4. I』ve seen some of the video clips for so many fking times and the CNN is like a fking great editor that wants to let the world knows the 「truth」. Great job, you piece of st.

  5. Washington Post report, more than 800 US citizens have been killed in USA by police in 2019. Kill more than army killed terrorist, funny is it!!
    In 2020, I am sure US can break this record, with this media, this gov, and this IQ.

  6. When other countries do interviews—> Propaganda
    When the united stats does interviews—> an heroic thing to do
    Fuck you cnn, you are just a dog

  7. Apart from trying to destroy Hong Kong, Bolivia, Chile, Venezuela and all Russian allies, what else do America do for a living?

  8. 1. At the beginning of the protest it was orderly and peaceful, as the number of the protesters grew in every subsequent protest, the HK government realized that something had to be done, so once again they relied on the step-up police violence. The protesters had no choices but to equip themselves accordingly to react to the increasing police violences, petrol bomb is an example.
    2. Not only the HK police relied on their own weapons, which is far more advance than the protester's, they also colluded, yes colluded and ongoing, with the local gangsters to beat up, rape and murder the protesters. They call it, "…teach the kids a lesson, so the rest will be afraid to come out again…"
    3. Example of that would be, July 21st Yuen Long incident and August 31st MTR Prince Edward Station incident. After a non-violence protest and on-their-way home, hundreds of non-violence protesters got beat up, suffered from serious head injury to variety of broken bones, some were even missing without a trace, no one have ever seen them again.
    4. Evidences of that would be, hundreds of death protesters' bodies has been found, some were found falling off a building, the government officials claimed they suicided, yet no blood were found near the bodies. Another example would be, a nude lifeless young female body was found floating in the HK Victoria Harbour, again the HK government officials called it a suicide, she was an excellent High Platform Diving Athlete, an excellent swimmer chose to end her young life naked in an open sea ? ! ? ! ? !
    5. I write this because I'm sick and tired of people's comments, especially pro-china people's, talking about bias, fake news!
    6. For the record, I did not make this up myself, every now and then, the protesters will have a media session, to meet with the press and to explain to the press of what they are doing, and to answer any questions the press may have.

  9. The vadalism is by far more Distracting than the land Rearranging imo. I know Hong Kong fairly well and Vandalism or Tropic Aura Changes to Chinease specialist training are my two biggest fears. I frogot until a live feed crowd reacted to me live and started looking for the birthday boy.
    We were a Pinecone 🙂

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