
閱讀更多:伊朗總統哈桑·魯哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)宣稱已贏得對該國「敵人」的勝利,並將其歸咎於全國性的反政府抗議活動,以抗議天然氣價格不受歡迎而造成的致命抗議。

  1. You can do this freedom-loving Persians. Uncle Sam just removed one of your oppressors serpent heads (General Soleleleleleleleleiman). Just hold strong and keep the faith ?

  2. Jesus have mercy on Iranians and cause them to call out to you for freedom. It will only come from you in this world and beyond!

  3. Protesters did not burn these banks and gas stations, it was the regime's forces, they always use this technique, everytime people come to streets they send their agents with bikes and mask and they start burning and destroying stuff then the government use it as an excuse to kill the protesters, they're doing these tricks for many years over and over again there are video evidence for that and UN and EU are so dumb and get fooled by them or they don't really care about people suffering in Iran

  4. "Whatever goes up must come down." Very soon the Mullahs will run away. The Iranian people before 1979 were the happiest people. The Mullahs have robbed all the all freedom and taken away, same like Communist China trying to do to the people of Hong Kong. Today, every person on Earth believe in Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The Iranian Mullahs fooled the people by telling them your enemy is the Big Devil. But the Big Devils are the Mullahs by denying people the rights to live in freedom. For 40 years the Mullahs to remain in power blame America. What has America got to do by charging double gas price. Iran has its own oil. Iran does not import oil from USA. Why Blame America? Time for the Iranian people to kick out the Mullahs.

  5. They learned from the Venezuelan dictatorship to shoot at demonstrators from rooftops and to shut down internet. Freedom comes with a debt that has to be paid with blood, if it is from the oppressors the better. Down with the ayatolahsdictators. and the Latin American dictators.

  6. Iran will never be free unless the Iranians burn and destroy Quran and imamzadeh.. what a Damn Scam Islam has been since Satan sent Muhammad to guide half man Arabs 1500 years ago.

  7. Bless my People and I will Bless you, Curse my People and I will curse you. Just take a look at Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, parts of Africa, Pakistan, Iraq, North Korea, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine for thousands of years and they still don't get it, and now Iran, Europe is headed that way too because the hatred upon Israel. and people dare to ask why is God Adonai is allowing this to Happen? Allah is not going to answer your prayer, instead Pray to God Adonai, Elohim, The Great I Am, Yeshua He can Bless you and your nation, a nation must stand together in Prayer to the God of Israel, ask for mercy and come to Yeshua, he will cover you with his Wings. Do not continue to curse his People. It is written in his words, go and read the bible, you will learn much about what is happening and why this is happening to these countries that are in ruin and the people suffering. God be with you all, Shalom, peace be upon you all. I will pray to my God Adonai for you too.

  8. Don't like the Iranian Regime, but I don't agree with the destruction of shops, petrol stations ans supermarkets and looting like what is taking place in Chile. Kill 15, 50 or 100 but you save 1,000, 10,000 or 100,000 innocent lives in the process. But law and under a tough regime than the law of the jungle that is in effect in Chile with the police unable to draw buttons or even fire rubber bullets into the violent Chilean crowds.

  9. Those people need to convert to judaism and accept jews as their masters. Then they need to build a holy temple in Tehran in the form of a holocaust museum. These people need to hold the suffering of the Jewish people sacred as uncle sam destroys their country.

  10. Im turkish Is everything okay with you? I really like Iran and worry about the Iranian people?I would be happy if someone could explain the situation to me (from an atheistic point of view would be better).. I love you guys????✌??

  11. the Americans have gone mad that the riots were over within 48 hours and are disappointed that there is no more disorder in Iran," Brigadier General Ali Fadavi said on Friday.

    Last Friday, the government raised Iran』s extremely cheap gasoline prices in order to moderate the national consumption rate, which stands at 110 million liters per day, 40 million liters above the maximum domestic requirement.

    The government also announced a number of aid and subsidiary programs to protect vulnerable households from the adverse affects of the measure.

    The price reform, required by Iranian legislature and essential as US-imposed sanctions seek to deplete Iran's budgetary resources, had been long delayed due to concerns regarding the move's probable backlash.

    The measure's adoption prompted initially peaceful protests, but riotous elements, abusing the situation, quickly entered the scene, destroying public property, setting ablaze banks and gas stations among other facilities, and opening fire on people and security forces.

    Speaking on Friday, however, Fadavi said that in numerous calls with other IRGC officials in the country no further riot attempts had been reported.

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